42 Year Old
From Anaheim, CA·
Joined on November 2, 2005
Born on March 19th
·1 referrals joined!
I am a very low maintence chick that just likes to relax and hang out with my friends. I am a good listener and a fun person.
42 Year Old
From Anaheim, CA·
Joined on November 2, 2005
Born on March 19th
·1 referrals joined!
I am such a simple girl.I like Snowboarding,Laughing,chillin with the crew, being goofy, working out, going to the swap meet,Target,and drinkin. I am a huge Anaheim Angels fan and I love to talk sports.
Sublime/Jack Johnson/Face to Face/Strung Out/Bob Marley/Stroke 9
My HumpsBy Black Eyed PeasPowerlinetours.com
Napolian Dynamite, Little Mermaid, Back to the Future, Empire Records.
Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller are my idols. They make me laugh every day.
Please click on the pic below and rate my pic please, Im in the Queen of Ct contest, or if u wanna earn extra points during happy hour, comment bomb. Thanks so much!! Have a good one, Jen