70 Year Old
From Reston, VA·
Joined on December 29, 2006
Born on November 16th
I have a crush on someone!
Thank You for looking at my profile! I would ask that you read my entire profile first before contacting me! I appreciate you taking the effort to do so! Being alive seems like such a common thing but yet- it is the most intense, energetic and positive experience we have available to us!
My name is Johnny- and I am creative well-spoken extrovert! I am a fanatical electronic game player( on handheld- systems -PSP, DS and GBA). I have an elementary school teaching background and also work actively and diligently in the childrens and youth ministries of my Church- The Grace Community Church of Arlington, Virginia!
I grew up in a very abusive setting and I learned the corrosive effects of beating a child down and shredding his or her spirit 24/7! In the last 3 plus years, I've learned the effects of this sadistic brainwashing can be neutralized by believing in who you are, acting according the values you hold dear and by pushing yourself again and again to establish being the best you are as the blueprint for living EACH and Every day!
In the interest of full disclosure, I am not always easy to get along with or understand! I struggle to deal well with conflict and become OVER self- protective of myself! These are things that I KNOW!!! I need to work on, am indeed working on- but these are also elements of my personality that CAN sabotage my progress and happiness if I ALLOW THEM TO!
The GREAT NEWS IS thaty I am determined to defeat these character tarnishers and I believe that, over time, I will be very successful in doing so!
I am a Public Speaker, a skill that I relentlessly hone as a member of Toastmasters International, The world largest Public Speaking and Training organization! I am also a Storyteller! In September of 2006, I was asked to serve as the voice for a book on Tape Entitled ,"How I conquered the World with one hand and an Attitude!". This is the story of a man who suffered a stroke in Early 1986 and the "war" he and his wife waged as a team to rebuild and re-shape his life!
I am rather short physically! I am told that most often that I can best be described as either " cute or boyishly handsome"- I'll allow you to be the final judge of that! I have intense brown eyes that are topped with Bambi like eyelids! I am a smiler and laugher and I have muscular legs as it seems I'm always standing or in motion-- The Energizer Bunny tends to glare at me in a way fueled by stone cold envy!
70 Year Old
From Reston, VA·
Joined on December 29, 2006
Born on November 16th
I have a crush on someone!
If you can grasp someones imagination and get them to believe in daring possibilities, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much else becomes possible! If this message appeals to you, integues you and excites you---- read on!
Video Games
Madden '07, MLB '06, NCAA '07 FootBall, Justice League Heroes, The Godfather- Mob Wars and numerous others!
9,675,000,000 ppl in this world && yet i ended up with your crazy ass as a friend? damn, im lucky! send this to everyone you love.get 1 back - ppl feel sorry for youget 2 back - you have a couple true friendsget 3 back - you aightget 4 back - your lovedget 5 back - your adoredget 6 or more - damn your a celebrity