65 Year Old
Invited by: rubberman9696·
Joined on August 3, 2010
Born on January 1st
65 Year Old
Invited by: rubberman9696·
Joined on August 3, 2010
Born on January 1st
Latest Status
Chiwa What's on your mind?The average person has 1000 wishes. A Soldier has but one, to come home safe. I know 97% of you won't post this as your status, but the 3% that do are my friends. In honor of someone that died or is fighting for your freedom.
The avera
wow! i'm thunder struck and it feels better than nice to have wings for just awhile in heaven to fly around and i can cry and i'm sure babyjesus do not mind cuz that's why i could fly in, i'm flying in...thank you love 2 all, luv u babyjesus n luv 2 my luv 4evrnevrTIMinheaven