39 Year Old
From Milwaukee, WI·
Joined on July 20, 2010
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on January 13th
·2 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
39 Year Old
From Milwaukee, WI·
Joined on July 20, 2010
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on January 13th
·2 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
It has taken me forever to figure out what I wanted to share, but here it is
My name is Cassandra, but my friends call me Nova. I am divorced and I have 2 children. The true love of my life is music. There is nothing like hearing a song that speaks to you Music has this amazing power over me! I have a song for everything.
I have an AMAZING boyfriend. We are planning on getting married in 2013 and hope to expand our family shortly thereafter. I am a flirt, but I have boundaries. . . I will not give you my phone number, you will not see me on cam unless you visit the lounge that I work in and I happen to be on cam, and I do not give out my YIM.
I am a very sweet girl. I love to make others smile, but on the other hand, I am VERY opinionated. If you can't handle it, I'm sorry!
Well, that's it for now! Add/Fan/Rate/Like me! AND PLEASE!!!! I can't stress this enough . . . BE RESPECTFUL!
39 Year Old
From Milwaukee, WI·
Joined on July 20, 2010
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on January 13th
·2 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
A quote - Life's lesson of the day: life has more ups and downs than a hooker's panties. Keep yours clean, and change them often... Thank you and have a nice day!