32 Year Old
From Denver, CO·
Invited by: coloradoan·
Joined on July 11, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 18th
·11 referrals joined!
2 different people have a crush on me!
32 Year Old
From Denver, CO·
Invited by: coloradoan·
Joined on July 11, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 18th
·11 referrals joined!
2 different people have a crush on me!
Names ☆ ~ Shorty ~ ☆
I love to snowboard and dirt bike! I'm a little insecure and often very emtional. Im outgoing, wild, crazy, have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle me, friendly, charming,warm, I love to go to bandimere and watch the races, I have raced at bandimere once. I have a baby boy. I love to cuddle, I love to be held and kissed. I love to dance and have a great time. I love going to Tracks. I am a LESBIAN!!!!
32 Year Old
From Denver, CO·
Invited by: coloradoan·
Joined on July 11, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 18th
·11 referrals joined!
2 different people have a crush on me!
Eatting Pussy.
Latest Status
Shortyboo18 I need hugs, cuddles, weed and liquor!