Ale,The winds, the sea, and the moving tides are what they are. If there is wonder and beauty and majesty in them, science will discover these qualities... If there is poetry in my book about the sea, it is not because I deliberately put it there, but because no one could write truthfully about the sea and leave out the poetry ~ Juliet AKA ModelaThank you for visiting my profile page, for the rates and likes, for leaving me drinks and gifts and for loving me as your friend. You have a good weekend and please enjoy your evening and be safe always.xoxoxo,Juliet (*_*)
Ale,At this time of Thanksgiving I pauseto count my blessings.The freedom of this great country in which I live.It's opportunity for achievement.The friendship and confidenceyou have shown in me.For all of these things I am deeply thankful.My best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!xoxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela (*_*)P.s. I guess in your part of the world you celebrated Thanksgiving in a different month and different way but enjoy your weekend anyway my friend.
Ale,Beauty is not about having a pretty face.It's not about having a pretty mind,A pretty heart, and most importantly, A beautiful soul ~ Juliet Thank GOD It's Friday!I would like to thank you for the loving (drinks, gifts, likes, blings, shitfaced etc. ) you sent my way and most of all for your friendshipYou have a beautiful evening....Xoxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela (*_*)
Ale, Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. Never hope to find people who will understand you, someone to fill that space. An intelligent, sensitive person is the exception, the very great exception. If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with disappointment. The best you'll ever do is to understand yourself, know what it is that you want, and not let the cattle stand in your way _ JulietThank you for stopping by and for leaving me some lovin'. You have a wonderful evening!oxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela (*_*)Good night!
Ale,The changes we make in life often happen when we have a degree of certainty. However, the pain of our past failures and the fears of our peers often fuel our uncertainty. This inability to predict the future is why people find themselves stuck and unable to move forward. They don't want to feel the emotions of failure. They prefer to talk themselves into settling for an"okay" life, rather than the life they really want. However, failure is a matter of perspective! Is it not failure when you don't take a chance on the one thing you need? There is no happiness in regret, staying safe or settling for anything less than what you can have through action ~ JulietThank you for leaving me the love everyday and for visiting my profile page always. Please enjoy your weekend.xoxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela
`Lonely heart and lonely nightsBy: Juliet AKA Modela As darkness looms I gaze into the candle light...My heart feels the pain of wanting you with me each nightThe brightness, love and happiness you brought to my life...Has been a source of releasing so much of my strife I miss the times you reached for me then pulled me ever so near...I miss the times you used to say"I love you"so softly in my ear Thinking back on how long it has been...I daily long for the time when you kiss me once again My body aches to feel your arms holding me tight...And just knowing you are there all through the nightRealizing we both have our own life struggles and pain...Through these days we must not let our feelings waneI not only need you... but want you with all of my heart...And pray to God for a day when we are no longer so far apart I am here for the long haul to see this thing out...And in hopes that you are having no doubtJust know that I have grown to love you and always will...For there is a place in my heart that only you can fill.......ME at the lake in a hammock tonight..
'The greatest disease in this world today is not tuberculosis or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the world today is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God. Allelujah! ~ Juliet AKA ModelaThank you for the drinks and gifts and for leaving me something to read every time I come here. I appreciate it so much that you take your time to visit my page. You have a wonderful weekend and please take care because I care...xoxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela (*_*)
.I want to be in love with youthe same wayI am in love with the moonwith the lightshiningout of its soul ~ JulietThank you for the drinks, gifts and for stopping by to say hi. Your friendship is forever will stay in my heart.Good night!xoxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela (*_*)
'Thank you for visiting my page.xoxoxo,Juliet AKA Modela (*_*)We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future ~ Juliet
Ale,The winds, the sea, and the moving tides are what they are. If there is wonder and beauty and majesty in them, science will discover these qualities... If there is poetry in my book about the sea, it is not because I deliberately put it there, but because no one could write truthfully about the sea and leave out the poetry ~ Juliet AKA ModelaThan k you for visiting my profile page, for the rates and likes, for leaving me drinks and gifts and for loving me as your friend. You have a good weekend and please enjoy your evening and be safe always.xox oxo,Juliet (*_*)