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43 Year Old · Female · From Pompano Beach, FL · Joined on July 5, 2010 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on August 8th
43 Year Old · Female · From Pompano Beach, FL · Joined on July 5, 2010 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on August 8th

Hi My name is Alexis Breeze.

Here is my Biography

On my fathers side, I am Italian. On my mothers side, I am Apache Indian and Mexican. So pretty much Ive got just about every hot culture mixed in me thats humanly possible.
When I was in Elementary school, I lived in Laguna Beach Cal. until I was about 10 years old. Next, I moved to Corona for Middle School. At 15, I moved to Florida and pretty much stayed there to this day. After graduating High School, I attended American Career College in Florida and got my Pharmacy Tech license. After working as a Pharmacy Tech for about a year, my friend Ice La Fox introduced me to the adult entertainment industry.
Adult Industry:
I performed in the industry for only 4 years and left it for a life in modeling. Now, in 2010, I feel better with my life now, but do miss all the attention.

43 Year Old · Female · From Pompano Beach, FL · Joined on July 5, 2010 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on August 8th
I am a HELLENITE. I worsip the ancient Greek Gods.

Greek religion was ritual based, practicing a flexible set of beliefs. It was unlike many modern religions, because it made no claims of universality, they did not proselytize, they did not participate in regular clergies, no hierarchical system, no sacred texts or moral code that is backed by religious beliefs. Scholars of the Renaissance believed that Greek religion simply consisted of an abundant treasury of legendary tales told by Greek authors. However Greek religion was not simply legendary tales and fictitious myths, it was a complex organization with each city-state containing its own divinities, which acted to cement the body of citizens into a true community. The Divine played an integral part in Greek religion and their society. The Divine entered all parts of Greek society, domestic affairs, civic organization, gender, agriculture and war. This belief is also reflected in many other earlier forms of Paganism. The Greeks attempted to please the Gods, fearing that they could upset them with insolence and impiety. The Greeks placed great importance on Twelve Pantheon Gods. They also worshipped other deities such as oracles, lesser divinities, demi Gods and Heroes.

The Greeks worshipped many Gods, creating a polytheistic society. The Gods were admired and feared, being distinguished from man by their immortality. The Greeks believed that the Gods controlled natural and social forces and resided on Mount Olympus. The Greeks were an earth based culture as were most early forms of Paganism, holding a high respect for nature and the earth. To reflect this love of nature, the Greeks placed different Gods in charge of different aspects of life.

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