This is a pimpout and leveling blog for some of the hardest working
women on fubar who always help others, and are very nice people
to know. Without further delay, here are my 5 picks of the day...
She's made me so many things, and I can't even begin to say
all the other ways she's helped me grow as a person.
Ladyneptune ~ Kingdom of Wolves~ @ fubar
Phantom Strangegirl
She just got out of the hospital. Won't you show her some love and maybe a care package comment?
***PhantomStrangeGirl***((((ZOMBIE NECROTIC BOMBERS))))
***VerysickjustgotoutofHOSPITAL**** @ fubar
She came to hellp me out in a pinch, and her giving personality won me over in time!
~Paganchild1979~ Independent Family @ fubar
Pattie Just me
A long time friend, and someone that works hard to help others, with sometimes
little or no help returned. She's a saint among us.
Pattie ~ME JUST ME ~CLUB F.A.R.~ @ fubar
She's always a delight to know, and full of sunshine in the rain.
Please stop by to share the sunshine and please no pink! That's not her color.
lexi-dragongirl @ fubar