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48 Year Old · Female · From Little Rock, AR · Invited by: 3783585 · Joined on June 25, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 4th
48 Year Old · Female · From Little Rock, AR · Invited by: 3783585 · Joined on June 25, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 4th
48 Year Old · Female · From Little Rock, AR · Invited by: 3783585 · Joined on June 25, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 4th

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  • troyjrLori
    Hello Lori...I would really love to meet you....I love to hunt....I am a professional....I am a country educated man looking for a woman that would go fishing and hunting and scuba with me....

    13 years ago · Reply
  • troyjrLori
    Let me take you hunting....

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Lori

    13 years ago · Reply
  • cowhorseLori
    Happy Birthday hope it was a good one

    13 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    Within each of us a green-eyed monster does dwelland it rears it's ugly head from to time, they tellus as we grow, hanging on their every word as trueuntil as adults we sometimes do not know what to do.I tell you that jealousy is actually a good thingif you are strong enough to keep it on the string.It can keep you more attentive and make you seejust how much your partner truly means to thee.It is only when and if you let it run wild and freethat it can do all the damage that others can see.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    A short and sweet one for this hump day:I laughed at the thought of forever as untruethat was until I finally met and got to know youwith your heart as sweet as honey and so purenow I know that forever truly does exist for surefor no limits of time could constrain this lovethat has been given to me from far up above.The years have slipped by with me and youyet I know this everlasting love is still new.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    With desperation clinging like a climbing cat,a need that humbles like a beating with a bat,and a need as strong a Atlas at his very best;I accepted the damage you did and the rest.Until I found that the man you made I hatedand still you wanted more change, never sated.If you had indeed really been in love with mewould you not have wanted me the way I be?I love you now and it is likely I always willbut I am who I am, can you not love me still?I know that I will carry you forever in my heart,but I fear that from your life I shall have to part.With sorrow clinging to my heart as a cat on treeand a beaten pride, I now must say Bye to thee.A sad poem as we head back to work, but it is a short week, try to make the best of it.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • gordieosheaLori
    Happy Birthday Lori!!

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    Within the realm of all of the endless possibilities,scattered out across the seemingly countless realities,in this tangled mass of mixed, mismatched destinies,which with fate and chance does taunt and tease,I never could dream of what my doubtful eye sees.A vision so lovely it brings me to my bended kneesan angel of love, who it is my only wish to pleaseto repay the way you set my troubled mind at easeand caused this heart of mine to feel and unfreeze. I feel like a downy feather upon the gentle breezedrifting on your tender love, high above the trees;like a tiny floating ant adrift on the endless seas.To walls around my heart you seem to have keysand destroy them with each kiss and squeeze,sweeping over me in bounds not in degrees,is the way your love my lonely heart did seize.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    You are less than perfect and shall always bebut know that you always perfect enough for me.There are some changes that I would like to see,but nothing bad enough for an exodus from thee.I have traveled this world and so many did seeand still when I think of you I light with glee.So here is a"Happy Birthday" straight from meand know that I am proud that you are my country.I wish you a grand Fourth of July.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    The tree of life ripped from it's nourishing roots,broken apart and trampled on by selfish boots.The earth cries out in the depth of sad despairbut greedy people seem to not hear or even care.The seeds that you sow, you shall one day reap,will any care enough for you to mourn or weep?In this self-centered world am I to walk alone,cold and hungry for love, tired to the very bone;or will you join me in this concern for the worlduntil enough accompany a new banner unfurledand we can plant the tree again to ever grow,it serving as a sign for all to see and knowthat man will flourish as long as he and she will respectful and empathetic always be;that evil, harm, dis-respectfulness, and greedwill be regarded as a gardener does the weedand it shall be plucked and outside thrownto perish in it's own horrors and so all alone as the nurturing garden is with love grown.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    A short poem for the start of this long weekend, hope that it is an awesome one for you.Upon the rim of the abyss my heart liesas I longingly gaze into your loving eyes.One right word or act or from you my dear,and it shall begun an endless fall, I fear.I need not fall and would jump you see'if only I knew that you would be with me.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    Do you chance the agony of rejection or scornin hopes of the ecstasy from acceptance born?Will you risk the heartbreak of love gone bad,to find a love so true, like few have ever had?You are caught within their mesmerizing glance,do you bet it all on love and take the chance?Will the fear of making such a huge mistakepersuade you to keep loneliness and it's ache?There is less pain in being alone it is true,but is that the thing that really want to do?The ache of loneliness is constantly there,the sadness that leads the heart to despair;at least in trying to love there is the chanceyou will have a forever of love and romance.In the end the choice is up to none but you,the time is here, so what do you decide to do?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    Raspberries are coming on and with fruit will blessfor jams, jellies, and in the picking a small mess.Such sweet flavor they always bring for us to tasteanticipating their arrival such time we do haste.All to soon the berries are gone for another yearbut we have the jars of deliciousness, so no fear.We will look forward again to the their next arrivala matter of pleasure now, no longer for survival.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • dan182Lori
    hey happy birthday july 4th

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    I am it seems, so much less than any lady does desire,is it that I am truly that bad or are expectations higher?I am an ordinary working man and never have been rich,but I would never abuse a lady or call her a slut or bitch.I will confess that I am no looker like that guy Brad Pittnor would I two time a lady like he did, I will gladly admit.I am beyond my physical prime, some would say I'm old,but never would I turn her away and leave her in the cold.I have learned patience, acceptance, and am a little wise,a good sense of humor and see life through others eyes.Even after all these years and the abuse I've been throughI still believe in a love that can be everlasting and so true.I have never seen a perfect lady, nor am I the perfect guy,but we will never be a perfect couple if you do not even try.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    With the popularity of writing your own vows, I thought I would give it a try, here are the results:With this ring, I do lovingly, take you to be my wife,to love, to cherish, and to honor for all of my life.It is in finding you, that I realize I am only one part,you are indeed, the rest of me, my soul, my heart.I'm the man I wish to be when you are by my sideand will hold always dear in my heart as my bride.So with these words, eternal love I pledge to you,and know that for all time, these words will be true.OH, Well. It was just an attempt, no reason to write them, just an exercise in writing.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • nitrofrog01 Enf...Lori
    just saying hi.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableLori
    I wish I could go back to what I use to not know,have the trust in love I had so many years ago,but heartache is my prison and I am safe within,never more to make such a drastic mistake again.I may indeed be able to change it, only time will tell,but I seriously doubt it, she taught the lesson well.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • shrekLori
    yvmw n ty for the add

    14 years ago · Reply
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