36 Year Old
Invited by: 457673·
Joined on December 9, 2006
Born on October 31st
ok so the name is Liz and yea im still in high school. i ride horses but if you scroll down and see my interestes youll read all about them. im the best Jumper in my distrect and am not afraid to honk my own horn about that. lol im a very outgoing person and i love to have fun. im not very spontanious but i deffinatly have my moments. i can be crazy and a complete wack job with my friends but i can still hold a good conversation about real issues with people. im vegitarian and i love it so if you have a problem with that i really dont care... next to horses friends are my life. im a popular girl and i am always out and doing something exciting. i love to try new things and im not afraid of embarassing myself. im clumsy and kind of blonde and i trip and fall and bust my ass all the time but that doesnt stop me from trying something risky. i like tempting fate a little to much. i ride some crazy horses and i do some crazy things but i love the rush of adrenaline. i can talk fpor hours on end if you will let me so dont be afraid to hit me up <333
36 Year Old
Invited by: 457673·
Joined on December 9, 2006
Born on October 31st
i ride horses i currently have 2 their names are Sara and Camus. they are my life i ride them both every day and cant go one day without seeing them. lol they are pretty much my life.
im a country girl that likes country music end of story. lol
promise you my heart??I promise you my life??I promise we'll never be apart??I promise not to hurt you??I promise to never make you cry??I promise to always trust you??I promise not to lie??I promise you forever??I promise you tonight??I promise you my respect??I promise to do things right??I promise to always be there??I promise until the end??I promise to always love you??I promise to be your best friend??I promise you my love??I promise you my life??I promise this forever??I promise our friendship is my life??your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,??your the STAR to my BURST,??your the M to my M,??your the POP to my TART,??your the MILKY to my WAY,??your the FRUIT to my LOOP,??your the MILK to my DUDS,??your the LUCKY to my CHARMS,??your the ICE to my CREAM,?but mostly....?your the BEST to my FRIEND??SEND THIS TO 13 OF YOUR closes FRIENDS (INCLUDING ME) IF YOU GET IT BACK1-U HAVE BAD FRIENDSHIPS2-U STILL SUCK3-U R A GOOD FRIEND4-U HAVE REALLY GOOD FRIENDSHIPS5-UR 1 OF THE BEST PEOPLE IN DA WORLD