54 Year Old
Joined on December 7, 2006
Born on June 26th
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[IMG]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f2/i_love_my_husband_hank/mobmainf.jpg[/IMG]Ok alittle about me. My Name is Angie and I Live in the wonderful state of SC with the most loving and caring man I have ever met his name is Hank, I have 2 boys and Hank has one so we have 3 boys that keeps us going all the time. Hank and I are full time workers, full time parents and try to have alittle time to play on the computers we both got laptops this year so we are back online alittle more now .. but im glad you took the time to check out my page and Thanks to Sas for introducing CHerryTap to me
54 Year Old
Joined on December 7, 2006
Born on June 26th
·2 referrals joined!
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My Idol would have to be my Husband He always knows when something is wrong with me he's there for anyone that needs him. He's the greatest ... OH Don't let me forget to share with everyone my Christmas pres. from Hank I got to open today here's a picture of it...