What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures) |
  Moonlight You have moonlight eyes. Moonlight is the color of mystery. Your eyes symbolize your ability to see yourself as others see you. You have finesse for letting other people know what you think. You have a soothing and calming ability that you may or may not know about. You have the awesome ability to draw a person's negative energy out and replace it with a positive energy; the world needs more people like you. Some words to describe you: patient, self-controlled, perseverance, insightful, reflective, understanding, serene, and caring. |
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You are 91% fuckable!

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.comYou are suave.

You are attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire.
'What is your seduction style?' at QuizUniverse.comTommas will go to jail for ...
Resisting arrest while having sex
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.comUsing your hands

Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your hands. You are damn good with them, and know how to make your lover feel incredibly sexy with just one caress.
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.comYou have a sexual IQ of 157

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
Take this quiz at | You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?
Passion | | 92% | Mysterious | | 75% | Diamond Eyes | | 50% | Eyes full of Pain | | 25% |
What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)created with | You scored as Akasha. You are the ultimate in ambition. You don't just want to own the world you want to make crawl to you on its hands and knees begging for mercy or at the least a taste!
Blade | | 100% | Akasha | | 100% | Dracula | | 100% | Deacon Frost | | 100% | Marius | | 92% | Armand | | 92% | Angel | | 75% | Spike | | 58% | Lestat | | 42% | Louis | | 17% |
Whose your Vampire personality? (images)created with QuizFarm.comPISCES Feb 20 - March 20
Ruling Planet: NEPTUNE The God in charge of delicious dreams, dangerous deceptions and sexual fantasies
Sexually speaking, Pisces is putty in your hands. Anything you want, anything, is only a question away. If you’re looking for someone who will go the extra mile to discover all your secret moan zones, then Pisces is for you! When a typical Piscean makes out, it's an act of romance rather than pure pleasure. Pisces is the sign of love itself. They are so romantic and want satin sheets and candles, poetry and a full moon. Music also gets them in the mood. One of their least appetizing traits is their ability to become very, very jealous. Sometimes they are so scared of losing the fairy-tale romance that they ruin the happy ending themselves.
Pisces is all about ORAL AFFECTIONS!
A copy of the Kama Sutra, since your fish is into almost anything
He is romantic and has the reputation of being a womanizer. The girlfriend of a Piscean man should keep her eye on the ball as he can be a bit flighty. But he does make an EXCELLENT lover. He's from the old school that sex should be an almost out of body experience, and if he's showering his attentions on you, you’re in for a HELL of a GOOD RIDE!
She needs romance. It's the very air that she breathes. She needs to be held gently and whispered sweet nothings to but when it comes to between the sheets action, she's never happy doing the same ol', same ol' when she knows there are more exciting options at hand.
The Pisces Zesty-zone is their feet! If you want to make Pisces you’re Love Slave, start with a warm, scented footbath and soak their feet for 10 minutes. Then sit in front of them, cross-legged, and rub their feet firmly through the water. Use kneading motions that run from their ankles to the tips of their toes. After 5 minutes, get a scrub brush and clean their tootsies with lots of TLC, dry them off and lightly massage peppermint oil all over their feet, paying close attention to between their toes. Pisces REALLY gets off on this! Once oiled up, gently kiss each toe, one by one. Then let your tongue take over and you're in baby!!!
I love listening to all music and i write some of my own please check it out and let me know what u think!
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love the action and role-playing games