About me, well describing myself is easier said then done. I'm not even sure I understand myself. And maybe I don't really try anymore. Anyway you'll stop reading well before I get to the end of this so here's goes nothing. To begin I guess I should say I'm generally quiet when in a crowd. I first come off two ways either as very demure and shy or mean looking and angry. I'm not one to have a perpetual smile, that's part of who I am. But I'm not mean or bitchy. I'm snarky, slightly angry, hard headed, shy, passionate, and loyal. I'm a frustrated writer so nothing I say seems to come out smoothly as you can see from this, words trip over themselves as I try to express myself on the page. I try to be well spoken and hold an intelligent conversation. I'm open minded and I've seen, done, or heard an awful lot. I love reading, music, the paranormal, animals, activism, body art specifically tattoos, science, art, photography, learning new things, and meeting different kinds of people. I love my family and that includes my friends, fiercely. I'm obsessed with accents and Lord of the Rings. I'm a serious anglophile and will often break out in british mannerisms or slang when talking or typing. I'm pagan and I find both sexes attractive. Matter of fact I love beauty, and appreciate it in people, nature, art, etc. That is why I became so interested in photography. I have no certain dress style though I do favor the color black, gothic style, corsets, and boots but I also love perfectly faded blue jeans or a proper ball gown. I wear black nail polish and love sparkly barrettes. I'm a bit of a contradiction, but aren't we all.
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