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40 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 473875 · Joined on December 4, 2006 · Born on February 6th
40 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 473875 · Joined on December 4, 2006 · Born on February 6th

hey all. my name is jessica. i am 21 yrs old. i live in nampa id. i have a 1 yr. old son. he is my life. i like to hang out with my friends and family. i am an outgoing person i love to do just about any thing. i like to have a couple drinks with friends and just have a good time. give me the chance and i will probably party all night. i have been engaged for 4 yrs now. i dont know if we will ever tie the knot. we will see. maybe on day. his name is kelly and he is the best boyfriend and best friend ever. my passion is cooking on day i will be a chef. i can cook anything. well at least try to.

40 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 473875 · Joined on December 4, 2006 · Born on February 6th
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