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33 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 18, 2010 · Born on February 14th
33 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 18, 2010 · Born on February 14th

i have 2 dogs named ali and maxmy life is a separation from different because its a year beyond the stars of normal it would take more then a year 2 actually realize and find and hear and see all the drama in my life so lets get started with a minute shall we my loves (: =Oi have smoked cigarettes done cigarettes exctasy weed and drink a lil all for 5years except ectasy ive done tht for about 2 or 3 i have been a cutter bout 6now but im doing good with not cutting i have been on suicide watch because i tried killing myself in the schools bathroom but i was caught no i am not emo/scene/goth/punk im not able 2 b labeled bc labeling me is like labeling a sheep in a pig aisle exactly its weird bc it doesnt belong their i am actually ipunk which is i for isaiah my name and then punk bc i mix my style with the punk style i do not believe i am a vampire but i do bite and lick people i am very well known in virginia and florida at least by the teenagers and some adults i am 16 ive dated girls at the age 21 no its not cool fools its sometimes just ewww right?beautiful?in my life their is alot of beauty tht consists around me because everyday i hang out with girls alot of them like me but i dnt like girls tht much only some have been an acception in my life my loves but u can try angelsi have a hard mysterious life tht i dnt even tlk about it which that is what makes it so mysterious right lovesi have good grammer but i do not always show it u will everyday see me playing my acoustic guitar i do sing i was going 2 b in a band tht was getting sighned but i decided not 2 because i sing my own songs and make my own i will be sighned soon also i breakdance wear skinny jeans have a 6pack when i am flexing and i do lots of other stuff i help people and i cnt sing low but i sing very high even 4 a dude i used 2 do mixed martial arts not proffesionally people always want 2 hear what i say because i am extremely quiet people surround themselfes around me bc they believe im mysterious and interesting plus bc im just different i dnt like love?i dnt fall in love?i dnt like the topic sexim pretty much a vegetarian i dnt eat alot but i do work out alot i am highly mysterious bc i dnt like talking about my past and im used 2 dreaming about it so i feel as if theres nuthing 2 say about it when ur 4ever dreaming about it i like roses and poemsi get poems tht people write 4 me everydayi write my own poems and songs and quotesi can rap if i trymy biggest fear is success in musicmy past i have not told really anything about so ru interested or do u think im hot though im not then u should add me loves princesses and princes welcome 2 a place wear love is not a reality even though were in reality

33 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 18, 2010 · Born on February 14th
2 many 2 hammer

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    Well, Hey There!Nice to see your face, all up in the place!You are about to enter theBESTOnline FunctionIn The WorldTake your shoes off and enjoy.And again, WELCOME TO THE PARTY!!AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE, THE FUN CAN BEGIN!! To know a little about me, check my profile page!!So, if you're seriouslyTIRED OF THE BOREDOM,NOT BEING TREATED LIKE THE ADULT YOU ARE&DRAMAOr being *so called lured*by the glitz of promises,message me your email/yim and I'll hit you upto explain the workings of Fubar.I'LL BS YOU NOT!ALSOwe can explore the dark side & I'll tell you 1 of my secrets, I'm a 50+ Mommie & GrandMommiewho can hold her own,plus I know where they hide the chocolate chip cookies!Your Friendly NeighborhoodRedByrdI also perform Fu Weddings/Divorces&design some of the most elegant Fubar Wedding/Engagement/Divorce CertificatesNeed my services, give a holla!

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