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42 Year Old · Male · From Triangle, VA · Invited by: SNEEZYP · Joined on December 3, 2006 · Born on April 2nd
42 Year Old · Male · From Triangle, VA · Invited by: SNEEZYP · Joined on December 3, 2006 · Born on April 2nd

I'm multi-racial I'm part white,fijian,and spanish.Also it's alittle hard to label me what I find to be normal, and what some people find normal are two different things.Like I love metal & hard rock but really I listen to all types.So mosh pits are a must with me.The Nightmare Before Christmas is my whole life,it is the only true movie out there.Everyone at one time can say that they know what Jack is feeling. To truly feel different by the way the rest of the world judges you.To always be looking for that true undying love.I also play card games like,Inuyasha,Magic,and Dragonball Z. My family and friends are a huge part of me without them I would have gone nuts by now.I'm never the same twice one day, I'll look like I just got out of the pit.And the next I'll look like I'm the most normal person out there.I'm who I am and that's it.The biggest thing in my life is art.The plan is to have my own comic book company. To help give students just out of art school a chance.Or even if you never went to school to give you a chance, to show your stuff.I think the most important things that people know about me are.That I'm always there for anyone no matter how early or late, I'm just a phone call alway.If it's three in the morning and you need to talk or cry I'm there for you.Sarcasm and me are best friends but, I do have a good sense of humor too.If you say something dumb, you're going to get sarcasm in return.And if I need to make an ass of myself to get you to laugh I will.That's all I can really say about myself.I like to find some more people, that are just as fucked up as my juggalo family.I'm not saying you need to like the samethings, but you do need to be open to new things.And don't be those judging types,because you're just as fucked up as the rest of the world.Now on to a relationship.I would love to find someone how gives as much as they takes.Someone how won't back down or run alway because someone tells them to.If I'm having a bad day and can't talk about it you'll just hold my hand and smile.It's not about looks nor is it about wanting the perfect woman. It's about someone I can trust and that cares for me, no matter what is said are done.To be truthful I've had some messed up relationships and I'm just tired of the crap.Crap that people say they don't do but they do.I just would like to meet someone who loves the little things in a relationship.All I can say is this.I can tell you what I want out of a relationship but... you're gone have to tell me too. And in the end when it's all said and done you'll know that person has everything, you needed and not just what you wanted.Also I know I'm going to have to work for your loyaity and trust.I just ask that you do the same for me. If you want to know just ask. Peace.

42 Year Old · Male · From Triangle, VA · Invited by: SNEEZYP · Joined on December 3, 2006 · Born on April 2nd
Whats up party people?I'm 24 and live in VA,I spend most of my free time chilling with my friends.I love going to concerts,hell if its any band I want to see.Then I will find a damn way to see them.I do art and write poety.I'm not a great speller,but who relly is.
Now when it comes to music I have so many types it's not funny.Here are the ones I listen to alot.Metallica,Disturbed,Korn.Marilyn Manson,Flaw,10 years. Twiztid,Insane Clown Posse,ABK,Blaze Ya Dead Homie.Papa Roach, BloodSimple,SlipKnot,The Exies.Gorillaz,Mudvayne,Him,36 CrazyFists,Ill Nino, Eminem,Ozzy,Rob Zombie,Tool,Jonny Cash,Matchbox 20 & Rob Thomas, Shinedown,Prom Kings,Fall Out Boy.311,Seether,NickelBack,Finger Eleven. Kittie,Lacuna Coil,KillSwitch Engage,Gwar,Dark New Days.System of a Down,In Flames,Evanescence.And that's just some of my music I listen to.And don't give me some crap about running with the hatchet and liking Emimem.O.k.

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