59 Year Old
Joined on December 2, 2006
Born on July 7th
·2 referrals joined!
Ok people have asked me about myself, I left a blog but well here goes. I am a single, recently divorced father of one son, he is 12, and lives with me. I take care of my parents, because no one else in my family will. I am single because my ex wife left me for my sister, she kept saying she loved me but was secretly doing my sister. OK thats just wrong if you ask me, I don't mind a BI lady, but please, don't keep it in the family. LOL I had cancer a few years ago and they removed a kidney, tumor, several pounds of inner flesh and part of a rib. And for those of you who ask, YES I STILL HURT. Its been over three years and I still hurt. I don't mind flirting, teasing, and alot of other arousing things we wont get into with this short infomercial about me. But I am alone, and I think i will always be alone because nothing ever works out for me. My ex was the third woman I ever loved, first two, well lets just say I am lucky I didn't marry them, and I wish I hadn't married this last one. But the good side of the marriage was I have my son who I love very much. I did post a pic of him and I together in my photos. Any off color remarks about him or I and you will be blocked and reported, OK? GOT IT? Good!!!!! Anything else you want to know feel free to message me and ask ok. But just to warn you, I have a strange sense of humor and I don't take kindly to someone asking how big are you, I am 6 foot 3 inches tall, and I am a bit over weight so don't push it ok LOL. And yes they do grow things big here in Texas LOL. Laterssss
59 Year Old
Joined on December 2, 2006
Born on July 7th
·2 referrals joined!
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