39 Year Old
Invited by: 386995·
Joined on December 2, 2006
Born on November 8th
·2 referrals joined!
Do not message me, asking me to "play with you".. I'm definitely not interested in "playing with you", I definitely DO NOT want to hear you cum, nor do I want to see that pathetic excuse you call a penis... Keep your dick in your pants, pervs.
Yep, I'm chubby. I'm not perfect, never intended to be. If you really don't like it... Really, don't look :)
Don't like that I just look at your page... and move on.. Boo fuckin' hoo. It's a website people, not a way to waste your life.
Oh, and you're opinions, don't mean shit to me. :)
39 Year Old
Invited by: 386995·
Joined on December 2, 2006
Born on November 8th
·2 referrals joined!
You know me Pretty Eyes i always got jokes..and yes i do want to take this out side you know what i always say ..go out side and practice falling down and ill be right there..lol