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Stats for Jul 26

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48 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 11, 2006 · Born on October 30th
48 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 11, 2006 · Born on October 30th

I am in the Army (as if you couldn't tell from my main pic ... lol) and I love what I do. I'm also madly in love with my BEST FRIEND, who is also my wife! I love you, Cher! ("suthernangel" on here)suthernangel@ LostCherry

48 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 11, 2006 · Born on October 30th

Activity Feed

  • Jersey a DevilD...blackhawk13
    hey look its my favorite MP ever. Well besides me anyways hehehehe But hey guess what?!?!?! I'm gunna be a Mommy!!! hehehe I think hell really did freeze over bwahaha I miss ya Drew. Hope you are behaving yourself and you are takin good are of Cher! Miss yous guys! ***Big Hugz***

    17 years ago · Reply
  • m H gLblackhawk13
    Stopping by to rate your page and make sure I am a a fan Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketso there you go I was here and I want to tell you thank you so very much for everything that you are doing and have done...*kisses*and*hugs* by the way if you have not already please fan me and rate my page...xxx

    17 years ago · Reply
  • WolfEagle1499blackhawk13
    Because of some problems with my First Page on Cherry Tap, I have created this New Page.I do have 1 BIG FAVOR to ask:Please stop by the Military Thank You Blogs and rate them again. So we can get them back up into the Cherry Tap’s Top Blog LIST.Here is the New LINK: Military Thank You Blogs
    Also, I will be adding most of my photos and songs again, So Feel Free to RIP ANY from the Collection Folders and don’t forget the Songs on My Tracks.Thanks, David

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ blackhawk13
    Stopped by to say Hello and show some luv. Thank you for all you are doing for us!! You are Greatly Appreciated!!myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
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