A group of military Officers are standing around talking when a Lieutenant said,"I feel that making love is 80% fun and 20% work."Captain responded by saying,"No, I think that making love is more work than that. I would say that it is 60% fun and 40% work."Then a Major says,"No, making love is definitely way more work than that. I would say that it is 20% fun and 80% work."They are all contemplating these revelations when a private walks by. The officers call the Private over to ask his opinion.The Major says,"Excuse me, Private, we are having a discussion and would like your input. The Lieutenant says that making love is 80% fun and 20% work. The Captain says that making love is 60% fun and 40% work. I say that making love is 20% fun and 80% work. Private, what is your opinion?"The Private smiles and says,"Sir, you are all wrong. Making love must be 100% fun because if there was any work involved, you would have theenlisted men doing it for you."
Sorry we got cut off Baby. I was getting your messages, but you weren't getting mine. As always, stay safe, be careful, and you are in my heart and thoughts always. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I can't wait to hear your voice (hopefully - if you are not off cavorting with Geraldo or Condy). . . :~)
My Prince . . .You know I have been grinning from ear to ear all damned day long because of our conversation this morning (Well, my morning, your evening . . .) You really do make me so thankful that I ever met you and you know that I am not going anywhere. This bubble of yours is too damned cozy!I hope that you didn't get too down tonight after the service. I know it is hard Baby, but you are strong, corageous and brave and that is why you do what you do. You have my admiration with every fiber of my being (along with other things)I don't have to tell you"Be careful, stay safe, I am there with you and get your ass home to me", but you know I will anyway, so"Be careful, stay sare, I am there with you and get your ass home to me!!!There is a spot saved permanently next to me under the down comforter and even though you are not there in body, you are ALWAYS there in heart and mind.Kisses Baby!Me.