Welcome to Fubar!Come join us in the Anti-Lounge, where you'll find things done different than most other lounges.We like to have fun, talk about good times, and we even host weekly contests and live radio shows!Cut and paste the link below to your browser and we'll see you soon!http://www.fubar.com/lounge/anti
[] Hello and welcome to fubar []come kick it at the best damn loungeon fubar"Hell's gate" We so rawk!!\m/We have the best Music.so come check us out just copy and paste the link to your browser and you are therehttp://fubar.com/lounge/72831We have a Rawking good time and with a kick ass Dj she plays all kinds of tunesand if you want to hear something she will be glad to play it for you and if she dont have it she will get it for you, so what are you waiting for come on in and join in the fun and have a great time.We'd love to have youAnd while you're there dont't be afraid to join.Hell's waiting.