>Allow Myself 2 introduce…Myself…7h3 3n3RgY $u1c1[]D3..(((THE ENERGY SUCIDE))). They call Me TarT One Amoungst Many Alias's….I’m not your average I want to be Famouz, I need 2 be known type of female. I'm an original...The Lead..A trend Setter, Wild, Crazy, Intimidating, An aura that has touched your flesh suit and soul. An embrace of a spell gone bad..a Morbid Mentality... A mark in your mind and an ache that won't leave your side. Something like a PIMP..LIKE A BOSS...I Run Things...I like things MY way...Hence I am a Taurus IM NOT AS MORBID AND BILE AS I SEEM...IM FRIENDLY... I’m quite The FEMINIST I’m an ABUSE VICTIM. Pity is not taken lightly. I LOATHE pity…I’m a Molder…An ARTIST…A Maker…A Leader…Known to make the ugly Beautiful, and the Beautiful fall to their knees in rejection, and jealousy. ((( MEAN GIRLS )))Envy... I hate Trend-WHORES.. I Hate Followers, I hate THE MEDIA, I hate POLITICIANS (anarchy), I HATE "SCANDAL"... I hate Yuppi3 Skum, & Most of all I LOVE MY HATERS..SMILE B1TCHES....Insecurity dosent make you pretty you trendy gossip cum dumpsters...!!! LoL...ARTARTAAAAAAAARRRRRTTTTT I’m Hypnotikal, Erotikal, Exotik..Seductive, Passionate, a mark debted to your mind, heart and flesh that follows you around like a lost kitten in a big city waiting to be fed that ever so filling feeling…that’s me…I am my own sancutary…i live within my intellect and knowledge...I know that i am safe inside myself... I have a thing for AnorexiaClick The Banner To find A Pro-Ana/Mia Buddy... (I'm a TeenAge Drama Queen, I Puke My Guts Out For Self-Esteem), ((((Hence i was 260lbs at one period of my life now at a body building 114 im staying fit and healthy...put it up for kate moss...shes been through alot these past months...))))Dancing like a skitzophrentic Furry,Raves,Bangin on wax(((JUNGLE & DNB MASSIVIST))),I'm an artist of all aspects, lyrics, poetry, beat making,beat mixing,drawing,Special FX makeup,It's all in me... EMO, GOTH, Punk Boy Men who treat me like the NORTHERN PRINCESS i am... Gothic Women, Fish Net Stalkings,garders,thigh high chunky boots, Makeup, Tanning, Fitness, Shopping, Micro Minis, Raves, Import Cars, GRINDCORE, GLAMOURE GLAMOURE GLAMOUR , Crotch Rockets, Caffiene, Pretty Boys, Deep Dark Art, Deep Dark Men, Intellectual subjects and beings, Piercings, INK, DANGER Beauty and the beach....Sounds like beauty and the beast dosen’t it!? Ah thats so RAD! My favorite "colour" is CLEAR...You say clear isn't a colour...then you are lost like my soul...You see clear is almost like a dimension...it consits of all colors...when light hits clear you get what is called a prisim my friends....and what is a prisim...a rainbow of colors...and thus you say no lights hit the prisim..what do you have kiddies??? DARKNESS...and what color makes darkness..Black...black is also made of a wide spectrum of colors...so there you have it friends...clear is a color...many colors...all colors! (im not colour predjudice) YAY! =o) Eye color and Music turn me on..I also have a f00t fet1sh...teeth that look like project windows...some up...some down...some broken out...that turns me off.....