45 Year Old
Invited by: 466728·
Joined on November 29, 2006
Born on February 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I like brussel sprouts, ketchup on lasagna, the feel of fall and the smell of gasoline. I like scotch on the rocks, meatloaf, a good summer thunderstorm and shag carpets. I will fight if provoked and I will reciprocate love. Johnny Cash rocks and U2 sucks. I am a closet Aerosmith fan. I will have a mohawk at least once before I die. I shaved my eyebrows off once. I don't believe in fate, I believe we make our own destiny. The great outdoors has a calming effect on me. I am a proud Canadian and a devout Liberal. I love sports and skinny dipping. The smell of a wet dog gives me the dry heaves. I have a little purple man on my shoulder. I like 69 Corvette Stingrays, icefishing, paper airplanes, John Lee Hooker, Trivia, Budweiser, sex in strange places, Wasburn guitars, big cozy sweaters, psychology and scrambled eggs. Belligerence, inferiority complexes and lack of tact turn me off. I think jazz is over-rated and global warming under-estimated. Often, I like being alone with my thoughts. Chinese food is my fav, and hot wax hurts like a sombitch. I think a cold Corona on a hot summer day is the most refreshing thing in the world. My favourite quote is "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't, none will suffice" (David Blane) Sometimes my mind wanders. Pierre Trudeau is a true role model. My favourite colour is Marlboro red and I hate Kevin Spacey. When I grow up, I wan't to be a good husband & father!
45 Year Old
Invited by: 466728·
Joined on November 29, 2006
Born on February 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
YOu have the best"about me" I've read in all of cherry land. lol & I notice you are a BEARS fan? woo hoo.... am luvin ya! Definitely givin' ya a 10! :)
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