40 Year Old
From Duncansville, PA·
Joined on November 28, 2006
Born on March 8th
YeA ii KnOw wHaT PeOpLe SaY BuT ii"M NoT Ur AvErAgE BiiTcH!!! So dOnT FuCk WiiTh Me CuZ sHiiT WiLL bLoW Up N u WiLL b SoRRy U EvEr sAiD AnYtHiNg!!! dOnT SiiT ThErE AnD CaLL Me A WhOrE~sLuT~NoR A HoE CuZ ii SuRe As HeLL aiNT NoNe Of ThA AbOvE!If U SiT ThErE AnD CaLL Me OnE U MuSt B TaLkInG BoUT uRsELf!!!...So GrOw Up!!! iiF UR GONNA BE TrUe THAN BE ReAL--ii HATE WANNA B POEPLE WHO THINK THEY A FUCKING COOL PEOPLE--DONT TRY AN BE SUMONE UR NEVER BE IN UR LIFETIME--!!iiF ii THiiNK UR A TRUE FRIEND AMD COOL THEN ii'LL TALK TO U--iiF ii DONT THiiNK UR A TRUE FRIEND AND COOL THEN ii'LL LeAvE iT aT ThaT So iiF ii dOnT LiiKe U dOnT BoThEr WiTh Me~!!! ii'M a cRaZii OuTgOiiN PeRsOn "n" LuV To HaVe FuN ii'M uP FoR A gOoD TiiMe iiF UrIm looking for the people that are as crazy as i am Im just looking to find some new people to hang out with and just have a good ol time. im looking for someone that likes to have a good time, and that i can chat with when im not doing anything. i love to party if you think that you could keep up with me then then im me and we will go out
40 Year Old
From Duncansville, PA·
Joined on November 28, 2006
Born on March 8th