travelling,adventure,music,goin TATTOOOOOOOOS goin out,movies,singing,partying,skulls,dragons,mythology,foozeball,pool,fantasy...

rock,metal,hardcore,punk,psychobilly,rockabilly,rock n roll,country, blues,bluegrass,80's
clash of the titans ,labyrinth , blood in blood out, war of the buttons,A.I., X-men , once were warriors ,hary potter, kungfu hustle, braveheart , romper stomper , alien , the color purple , i am sam , american pie , legends of the fall , phenomenon, indiana jones , highlander, candyman , green mile , shawshank redemption , lost boys , pulp fiction ,evil dead 2, excorsist ,the thing, smokey and the bandit , face off , the untouchables ,armagedon , gladiator, the cronicels of narnia ,alive , kalifornia , the gift , stand by me , shrek ,seven , king kong , it , damien the omen , ghost , lord of the rings , star wars, gothica ,deliverence ..............
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