Invited by: InsomniCat·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on January 1st
We are a CherryTap community based in Secondlife! Although it was started only a little over a month ago it has been growing rapidly! This profile was created to show what the community is all about as well as a recruiting point for other cherries who wanna get on board! I expect there are already cherrytap members who play secondlife who I hope come across this page! If you're not already a SecondLife member, but love virtual online community games like THE SIMS then read on....
What is SecondLife?
SecondLife is a Virual Online Community much like The SIMS, but much more of a nightclub attitude! It's an 18+ game much like is an 18+ site! It is free to join and free to play! Most of all it's just plain fun!
Why join SecondLife and Secondlife?
Face it... going around to peoples profiles and leaving generic comments and rating pictures can get old!!! Secondlife offers a much more interactive approach to meeting people and having fun! Not only do you get to socialize with existing cherrytap members, but meet other people as well!
How do I join?
Simple! Just goto and sign up! It's that easy!
To get a taste of what to expect from secondlife check out the photo album! Posted are pictures of the community members in the game! We have lots of fun rather we're chilling at cherry estates, partying to live DJ's in the Cherry Barn, playing a game of Slingo, or just exploring the world of SecondLife! Come join us!
Invited by: InsomniCat·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on January 1st