39 Year Old
From Rosiclare, IL·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on July 23rd
·2 referrals joined!
Well my name is Nick Stout, I am from a small hole in the world called Southern Illinois. Right now I indulge myself in my oh so wonderful day job. I have been in the car business for almost 2 years now. I am kind of following in my grandfathers footsteps, he sold cars when I was just a we little laddie. Wow so anyway for those of you who dont know me, I have been all over and done alot. I am only 21 years old but at times I feel like I am 40. I grew up a little quicker than most. When I was 16 I got a job as a telemarketer I worked there about two years, then when i was 18 I moved to Fort Jackson South Carolina for bootcamp for the US Army Reserves. When I cam home I then moved out to North Carolina selling magazines door to door, our magazine crew went from Wilmington to Raleigh, NC then up to VA Beach. After returning from that I had loved NC so much I yet moved BACK out to NC and lived there for a year. It was then and there that I realized what's most important is not where you are in this world but who your around. People take family for granted, but when you dont have the privilege to see your family you realize how important they really are. So I then moved back to IL and I am here now to stay..........unless opposed by another fantasy feeding opportunity.lol I am a very easy going person, I will forever be in the car business, I would like to have my own dealership one day. More than anything I want to live a fulfilling life, for those who can empathize with this vague yet decisive point of view I say to you follow your dreams make yourself happy. Speaking of happiness I say to everyone now something I wish someone had told me years ago. Which is dont rely on someone else for your happiness, make yourself happy with yourself, bc if you cant be happy with yourself then neither will anyone else. You know relationships were made to have rough times to make you stronger person. Take one look at your b/f - g/f can you see yourself marrying him/her? If you cant why are you with them? It is not worth trying to hold on to a false sense of security that someone might love you or "grow" to love you. If they truly love you they will WANT to show a appreciation for you, they will WANT to send you flowers or want to cook you dinner. Some people say that relationships are built on trust, but really relationships are built on communication and the DESIRE TO CONSTANTLY GO ABOVE AND BEYOND YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS EXPECTATIONS. So many guys out there will do that for the first year so he gets in good with the girl then he turns and goes into the "comfortable zone" where he stops trying to woo her and goes into a phase where he thinks all he has to do is work come home and watch tv and some how thinks thats ok. Yet so many women stay with this kind of guy in hopes that he will change, or some other sense of false security. If you are like this my advice to you is find a real man someone who really does care about you. That is one of those hard learned lessons of life. Yeh so like im sorry for that little sermon there, I sometimes get carried away. Yeh so this is supposed to be "ABOUT ME" so about me I am 21 years old and I sell cars for a living which I do enjoy. I love to hunt and go fishing, I like to dance, I enjoy hanging out with friends. However since last move I have lost contact with so many friends so my friends consist of co-workers, and maybe about half a dozen friends that I have stayed in contact with throught the years. So after reading this you think you would like to be my friend add me you can im me on either ya hoo - styles03 or hot mail nickstout_85@hotmail.com So now I am off to bed to tackle my daily 8-6 job.
39 Year Old
From Rosiclare, IL·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on July 23rd
·2 referrals joined!
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Akon ft Eminem Smack That
Alright, I am in my first contest, and it starts at 7 PM Central time tonight, and runs through Friday at the same time. PLEASE go rate my pic and comment bomb me. My picture is NSFW, so you have to be Tongue Assassin's Friend in order to see my pic and vote for me, so go add him as a friend so you can start voting when the contest starts!The link to my picture is below (sorry, no thumbnail since it is NSFW.Whoever comments the most should expect something very special from me!!!!Sexiest Female Piercing Contest. View my picture and vote for me!