41 Year Old
From Niagara Falls, NY·
Invited by: Belladonna·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on June 11th
Im all about the import world. I have a 05 subaru wrx the engine was blown this year. I had to put a new one in. It took me 6 mounths of hard work by my self to put the car back together. Never ever gave some one a car you love cause it might not come back the same. I like meeting new people I welling to do almost anything at least once. I have a www.myspace.com/DelsWRX05 add me if you want. My aim is DelsWRX05 well i well add more to this soon im learn this site so for i like it.
41 Year Old
From Niagara Falls, NY·
Invited by: Belladonna·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on June 11th
I love chilling with friends, hangout with my best friends. I guess from what my friends think i throw good partys. Im big in import cars, I want to own my own import shop, computers, really anything that i can go fast on by driving i like lol. ask my one friend lisa i drifted her car the frist time i drove her 5.0 mustang lol.
Hey Del, i Hope that you can excapt me for who i am now i am different from when you left i am no longer a bitch i have been going to my meetings and doing different steps two making my life new So email me back or talk to me sometime online Jennifer GalgovichP.S i have a money order waiting two ne sent two you for the computer so i guess i will talk two you soon