42 Year Old
Joined on November 26, 2006
Born on July 29th
·3 referrals joined!
Well well hello and welcome to my page. I've just recently updated this in order to meet more people who are more compatible with what I'm looking for. I'm a Nurse i work at a local hospital here in Edmonton (I'm not telling you which one). Currenty I'm an LPN and currently taking courses towards my RN (way more money and totally worth it). The reason I went the LPN - RN route is pretty much due to my lack of effort in High School. I had a great time but never thought about the future at all. Therefore I did not have the marks to get into the RN course right away considering the % average to get in now is approx. 85%. Yeah I never even came close to those marks... HE HE well enough about that...
Moving along to let you get a fuller view about myself I will admit right off the bat that I am 100% the BIGGEST Edmonton Eskimo fan in the world. Yes the NFL is good but please do not diss my Eskimos (and yes I do realize they sucked this year thanks). I have been to the last 5 Labour Day Classic's games and only saw Calgary win ONCE. I've been to the last 5 Grey Cups (with Toronto booked) and I have watched the Eskimos win 2 of them. So once again the NFL is great but the CFL has my heart (can you tell I've gotten harassed about liking the CFL) YES I AM CANADIAN!!!
Some other things I like to do are hang out with friends and watch football (I had to do it). I also play baseball in the summer and I LOVE it so so so MUCH my team is AMAZING (not good, the people are amazing). We have a BLAST, we go to Edson every year and it is an out of control time. This year we never won anything but last year we did YEAH!!! We will be hitting it up again next year forsure. If your interested in playing and are male please by all means contact me I would love to hear form you (we are usually desperate for guys). And no you do not have to be good. You talking about joining a team that won 3 games all year. LOL We are a BEER leage and yes we drink BEER. So take a chance and join our team.
Moving along... LOL okay something else about me. I love to camp, fish, go tubing, sing around a camp fire (yes i will sing), hang out at the beach, VEGAS (been there twice LOVE IT), have a cold Beer, talk to friends, be a total goofball, and the list goes on.
I have NO children birthcontrol and selfcontrol have helped with that. I'm not saying kids are a bad thing and I know by saying what I'm about to say will narrow my chances of probably meet some good guys. I don't have my own kids and NO I don't want yours. I'm sorry the only children I will ever want in my life or my mans (if I ever get a man) are the ones sharing both our DNA. I have friends who have children and if I am feeling like a kid would be nice i go and visit and WALA the urge goes away.
I want to meet someone I can TRUST is that so damn had... Wow if you have a GF what do you want with me and please don't waste my time. I'm not the skinnest thing out there and to be honest I have some issues with it. I hold myself well but some people are into body types quite a bit. I just wanna meet someone who can be my best friend someone who likes me for me. I don't know maybe I'm shooting for the stars but who knows it might happen.
Well you'll probably never make it this far but if you do thanks for reading. if you wanna know more about me just ask... I'm pretty open...
Oh yeah and FUBAR rocks GIVER!!!!!!!!!!
42 Year Old
Joined on November 26, 2006
Born on July 29th
·3 referrals joined!