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Female · Joined on November 26, 2006 · Born on June 19th
Female · Joined on November 26, 2006 · Born on June 19th

You Are From NeptuneYou are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.What Planet Are You From? .. width="425" height="350">..>Laser My WordsNICE/BAD! .pimp_my_profile { Generated By Pimp My Profile www.pimp-my-profile.com } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0px; } body { background-color:000000; background-image:url(http://content.pimp-my-profile.com/i50/6/10/16/f_ca9e5af300.jpg); background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; scrollbar-face-color:000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:22AAEE; scrollbar-3dlight-color:22AAEE; scrollbar-shadow-color:2266CC; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:2244CC; scrollbar-arrow-color:22AAEE; scrollbar-track-color:000000; } table table { border:0px; } table table table table { border:0px; background-image:none; background-color:transparent; } table table table { border-style:Solid; border-width:1px; border-color:222288; } table table table td { background-color:222222; filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:0.70; opacity:0.70; -khtml-opacity:0.70; } table table table table td {filter:none; } table, tr, td, li, p, div { color:22AACC; font-size:12pt; } .btext { color:22CCCC; font-size:10pt; } .blacktext10 { color:22AACC; } .lightbluetext8 { color:2266EE; } .orangetext15 { color:2266EE; } .redtext { color:22CCCC; } .redbtext { color:22CCCC; } .text { color:2288EE; } .whitetext12 { color:22AAFF; } a:active, a:visited, a:link, a.searchlinksmall:active, a.searchlinksmall:visited, a.searchlinksmall:link { color:22AAEE; } a:hover, a.searchlinksmall:hover { color:2266EE; } a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited, a.navbar:link { color:2222CC; } a.navbar:hover { color:22AAEE; } a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited, a.redlink:link { color:2288EE; } a.redlink:hover { color:22AAEE; } .nametext { color:2288EE; font-size:14pt; } .blacktext12 { visibility:hidden; display:none; } table td div div font {visibility:hidden;} Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

Female · Joined on November 26, 2006 · Born on June 19th
Music Cinema Art Books Drawing Traveling Driving Cycling Fun Partying Booze Decadent and weird stuff/art Sights Castles Spiritual things Red wine..

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