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45 Year Old · Invited by: billbillbobill · Joined on November 25, 2006 · Born on March 20th · 9 referrals joined!
45 Year Old · Invited by: billbillbobill · Joined on November 25, 2006 · Born on March 20th · 9 referrals joined!

My name is Chris and I'm 27 years old (march 20th 1979) and I live in Modesto CA.I'm currently renting a room at the parents hosienda because I've been on state disability from being rear ended in a car accident. Its been one hell of a change in my lifestyle but Its alot better than being homeless..I was diognosed with a protruding/herniated disks as well as a deteriorating disk and a hyperextended spine.This really puts a damper on how I make my living which is basically all manual type labor and I haven't really had to have a safety backup career planned..I never really had much patience for sitting still for very long in a class room because I've always been very energetic and hyperactive ***in a good way ;) *** I await word for qualification for a health care setup, untill them, I sit in limbo waiting.. As of today (11/25/06) I haven't worked sence (6/14/06) and its driving me nuts to not be out there doing my thing and having a purpose..Its been quite an experience thats changed my life greatly.The person that rear ended me was insured, but only for limited liability which covers 15K worth of bodily injury.. My bills exceeded 18K so I stopped.. My insurance lapsed (conveinently) when I told them I needed to see a specialist.. What I find funky about the insurance is that I sent my payment in 1 week before it was due in which it only takes 3 days on average in th epast for them to cash it from the time its mailed...So they dropped me when i explained what I was in need of being seen for. How conveinent.. :(I still manage to scrape by somehow.. You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!Goth65%Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev45%Rocker, Mosher30%Skater25%Prepy10%Trendy5%Emo0%What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ectcreated with QuizFarm.com

45 Year Old · Invited by: billbillbobill · Joined on November 25, 2006 · Born on March 20th · 9 referrals joined!
I'm into trucks, cars and anything thats fast enought to do something stupid in.. AutoX, road racing, ect.. I'm not really into drag racing, its a little boring. I like taking road trips, kickin it with friends and all that traditional crap people usually write on these things that don't have anything genuinely unique thats worth mentioning. I Hit up the occasional movie.. Nothing too extravagant..
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