38 Year Old
Joined on November 24, 2006
Born on April 3rd
·1 referrals joined!
well i think i almost told everything about me but not everythin though, won't want ya ta know me that easily eh and ya if ya wanna know me abit more feel free ta ask and ya don't have ta be shy cuz i also don't bite, not unless ya want me 2:)hehehebut i'm sweet and charming u'll soon find that out when ya come and chat and maybe soon become very good or maybe even best friendswell gtg i dn't wanna bore ya'z to much or i'm just gonna bore ya'z ta death lol
38 Year Old
Joined on November 24, 2006
Born on April 3rd
·1 referrals joined!
my interests are playin sorts and hickin and alot of other stuff lik playin basketball, hockey and that kind eh but ya i'm not into watchin sports i only play it,
and i love ta party alot and hang out wit friends most of the time but being wit my girlfriend is more then everything then i can ask for in life it's self but ya i'll get back ta this when i have more time so i can bore the living sh!!!!!t out of ya'z eh lol:)
hey there i love to listen to music and me witout havin ta listen 2 music for an day would be just unnormal for then ya know somethin is wroung wit :)hehehe