52 Year Old
Invited by: 340887·
Joined on November 23, 2006
Born on April 17th
I have a crush on someone!
I have a BA in Advertising Graphics. I work as a digital media strategist for six years at the New York office of JWT (formerly J Walter Thompson), the largest and oldest advertising agency in North America. that means television commercials, billboards, radio spots, and print ads. i'm a computer geek, a music lover, love to ice skate and roller blade, i go to art galleries a lot, i am a video editor so i love examining films and recreating them. ummm there's a lot of stuff ooh i love leaving lids off jars. Bjorks is my muse.Podcasts that I produce and or Promote:Beneath the Beat: Hip HopBeneath the Beat: ElectronicaDigital Media Tips N Tricks: Technology/GadgetsThe Nursery TV: Animation
52 Year Old
Invited by: 340887·
Joined on November 23, 2006
Born on April 17th
I have a crush on someone!
Hey Bender...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUHAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BENDERHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUand many more !!!May all your wishes come true !!! Have a great day !
Hey there...thanks for the add request...sorry that I had to be so quick to sign off the other day. My computer is shot for the time being..and I'm about to blow it up! On the office computer right now...I have a"geek" coming over to look at mine home PC tomorrow...LOL. My laptop went backwards and I hate all of them!!! LOL Where's the c4?Take care, Lynda