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46 Year Old · Invited by: 343202 · Joined on November 23, 2006 · Born on January 1st
46 Year Old · Invited by: 343202 · Joined on November 23, 2006 · Born on January 1st

First of all id like to point out im 27 years old.Im tall (about 6ft not sure what that is in cms for all you none english folk buts its tall) dark yet pale (jet black hair and big brown eyes which sometimes turn red when im mad) oh ans sharp point teeth all the better to bite you with!!!!!!!!

46 Year Old · Invited by: 343202 · Joined on November 23, 2006 · Born on January 1st
http://view.break.com/201056 - Watch more free videos The place for black and white magic spells, charms, voodoo, high magic, and witchcraft!!!!! People have believed in vampires for thousands of years. Stories have circulated for centuries about people drinking blood, souls returning from dead and people unable to walk in the sunlight but most of all vamps are so fukin hot bite!!!!!!!! as u can see i have a intrest in the dark side of da force !!!! tie me, chain me hit me bite me ....oh yeah!!!
i like all kinds of music really (besides pop and all x-factor kinda bannds) main fav groups in no order as it is 2 hard to decide include: nirvana radiohead floyd redhots ratm korn offspring system of a down deftones .hov:hover{background-color:yellow}Music Video:LIVE FROM READING FESTIVAL (by System Of A Down)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
i love watchin all movies even shit films i can some times enjoy but my fav are sci fi and horror or should i say shock horror!!! star wars is top of my list also love the following matrix alien (all of em) pitch black donnie darko lord of the rings the shining dawn of the dead and any other film with zombies or demons lol
Kur Cobain - this guy needs no expalantion rock god. Jimi Hendrix may actually be the god of rock and again no need for explanation. Takashi Miike is a prolific Japanese director having produced over 60 films in his career so far. He was born in a small town called Yao. Miike films are top and are shall we say very extreme violent and sexual films, his breakthrough in the west came with the disturbing 1999 film Audition a must watch if you havent seen I wont spoil it by telling you anything about it (although i really would like to) apart from to say you must watch it and its not for the faint of heart. Roy Keane - For Every one in the world that loves Football no need to Explain. For you my friends in American who are thinking who the fuk is this guy, he is simply the heart and soul of football the best player to grace the field for many a year. Played and Captined the biggest and best team in the world in Manchester United and now a rookie manager at Sunderland for many of year a legened the barry bonds of Soccer!! check this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWn-FJi9jVI Keano V Viera Keano V Manchester City Keano in Music
Video Games
the best game ever in computing champo = Football manger, previous version (championship manger)..what a game only one worth playing

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