36 Year Old
From St Paul, MN·
Invited by: TotaLDyzaster·
Joined on November 23, 2006
Born on August 28th
Hi, my name's Anthony and i have done a lot of drugs. I'm not a big fan of "friend adding whores" as they are commonly called so if you want to add me then i expect you to talk to me (although technically you'd be typing not talking). I'm kind of a liberal hippy type of a person and i get along best with "alternative" people much better than i do with normal boring people. I am basically a geek. I like to play video games, go to movies, hang out with my friends, etc. (the usual kidstuff). I'm a very shy person but I'm always looking for new friends as long as i can relate to them. I love animals, particularly dogs so if you treat animals badly then leave me alone, or just go die. I think women are extremely under appreciated in society. Also...I SUPPORT GAY RIGHTS. IF YOU HATE GAYS PLEASE LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I am also sick of ignorant people who try to act a certain way to be cool, if you are one of those morons who willingly feeds into some kind of stereotype PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! I WANT TO TALK TO UNIQUE PEOPLE NOT SHEEP CLONES. THANKS. I'll admit i feel lonely a lot and i really wish i could find a girlfriend and love but i'm pretty sure it won't ever happen. Girls don't like me because i'm a shy geek not a hunky jock. If you want to talk to me I am usually on late at night because i am an insomniac (Insomnia is a sleeping disorder in case ya don't know). I have an AIM account, my screen name is Grigsby1490 I also have a MSN account my screen name is My_din_galing@hotmail.com you can get a hold of me on either of those I WILL TALK TO ANYBODY EVEN IF WE'VE NEVER TALKED BEFORE!!! IF YOU'RE BORED TALK TO ME DAMN IT!!
36 Year Old
From St Paul, MN·
Invited by: TotaLDyzaster·
Joined on November 23, 2006
Born on August 28th
MUSIC-the universal language
biking-I like bieng outside and active
friends-the only thing I have of any value in my life
people watching-it's entertaining
reading-i know that seems lame but i don't really care
Politics-as much as the subject pisses me off
Religion-even though i'm not very religious, i find it interesting
American Beauty (my all-time favorite movie)
The Fox And The hound (my all-time favorite disney movie)
Spirited Away
The Shining
Pet Semetary
The Girl Next Door
Anger Management
It's A Wonderful Life
Cheech And Chong:Up In Smoke
Saw 1 and 2
Spiderman 1 and 2
X-men 1, 2 and i haven't seen 3 but i'm sure it's awesome.
V for vendetta
The island
American Splendor
Kurt Cobain
John Lennon
Charlie Brown
Calvin and hobbes (both main characters from the comic strip)
Jack Nicholson
Samuel Clemens ("Mark Twain")
Robert Frost
My grandparents
And anybody who's worked hard for what they've got.
Video Games
Mostly old-school games for the super nintendo and the sega genesis. Some for the Nintendo 64. I also like halo 1 and 2 and some other newer games.