42 Year Old
From Louisville, KY·
Invited by: 190718·
Joined on November 21, 2006
Born on June 3rd
some times life can be a disaster. I have realized that no matter what you muster to get out of life you are no longer in that game, and you long for death to place his hand upon you in that moment. hoping for your body to become cold and weak. Anticipating for your voice to become meak in the presence of a new moon. when there is no light that you can see no more. all you see is a wooden box that surrounds you. A voice inside then bekons me to come out and play before the sunrise. I use thine eyes and look at you with pity demise. I see a soul that needs to become a sacrifice in the burden of my mind. I am an artist in the making I have a passion for writing poetry and being creatve. I have now found the lady of my dreams i care for her dearly. I just wish i can by her side Living in the presence of my shadow Void of life in the midst of nite. For the moon light glows right in the night As I look for my dark angel Fog now lingers in for my soul shall wander I live in the solitude of my nightmares. The stars begin to dance in a sinful romance I have waited and continue to search for the eyes Of her that can cloud my mind in romance letting our souls dance above the graves with sounds of waves crashing in the distance before the storm I am looking for my dark angel to heal this mark embedded in my heart for eternity. That is what I must find My quote of the day: "Every aurora has a different story, Every story has a different stone, A stone not left to be unturned The fortune of wisdom in stories told." One strong action is worth more than a thousand empty words
42 Year Old
From Louisville, KY·
Invited by: 190718·
Joined on November 21, 2006
Born on June 3rd
TAG UR IT! THIS IS A SEXY TRAIN IF U RECIEVE THIS IT MEANS UR FREAKIN SEXY.... IF U GET THIS BACK UR EVEN SEXIERR...SEND THIS TO 10 PEOPLE....IF U BREAK THIS CHAIN U WILL HAVE BAD SEX FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS.....GOODLUCK_______@@@@@@@@@@___________@@@@@____________________@@@@@_____________________@@@@@_______________________@@@@@________________________@@@@@____________________@@@@@_____________________@@@@@____________________@@@@@____________@@@@@@@@@______________@@@@@@@@@@____________@@@@@@@@@______________@@@@_______________________@@@@@@@@_______________@@@@_______________________@@@@______________________@@@@_______________________@@@@@@@@@@___________@@@@@______@@@___________@@@@______@@____________@@@_____@@_______________@@@__@@________________@@@@@__________________@@@@____________________@@@@@___________________@@___@@@___________@@@____ @@@________@@@@@___@@@@@________@@@@@______@@@___________@@@@______@@____________@@@_____@@_______________@@@__@@________________@@@@@___________________@@@______________________@@@_______________________@@@_______________________@@@_________