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48 Year Old · Male · From Seattle, WA · Invited by: Lowkey · Joined on November 21, 2006 · Born on September 18th · 3 referrals joined!
48 Year Old · Male · From Seattle, WA · Invited by: Lowkey · Joined on November 21, 2006 · Born on September 18th · 3 referrals joined!

SCREW YOU FOR JUDGING ME! Just wanted to get that out of the way. Bio boxes suck. Sum up my entire personality in a few lines of text? Screw that. I'm not saying that I'm all special like, but it certainly takes more than this 'about me' stuff to get to know who I am. Ahhh hell. Let's give it a try anyways. Eccentric and ecclectic, perpetually angsty, older than I look and always young at heart. I'm a kinky dirty boy. BDSM is hot. I'm a top. Maybe a switch, cross that bridge when we get to it. Too many drugs, but no drug habit. Stupid drunk and intellectual stoner. Read constantly. Bow before my mighty library! Political radical. Environmentalist. Screw the government. Burn the whole thing down and build a new one from scratch. I love my friends but I love my girl most of all.

48 Year Old · Male · From Seattle, WA · Invited by: Lowkey · Joined on November 21, 2006 · Born on September 18th · 3 referrals joined!
loud music, fast computers, women, books, movies, stuff that is dark, my bed, curry, sci fi, the Wet Spot, having spending money, adult swim, cute boys, beer, sex, chronic, a fully functioning car, my coffee table, darts, pizza, rollercoasters, antibiotics, the number 9, the Noc Noc, dvr, video games, camping, the Haunted House, boobs, music, movies, and microcode.
bigotry, hypocrisy, corruption, oppression, war, tomatos, late fees, cellphone companies, car troubles, SUVs, pollution, chemtrails, people who kick puppies, children who are out of control, people who can't control their children, infections, cheap beer, cheap wine, bananas, police who yell at me, anybody who yells at me, whatever is living in my closet, the bastard who stole my car stereo, the other bastard who stole my car stereo right after I replaced the original one that got stolen, my landlord, poor cellphone reception, urban sprawl, traffic, being poor, ignorance, forgetting stuff, and other stuff that i seem to have forgotten.

Industrial. Industrial first and foremost above all others. Hard, loud, abrasive, dirty, pounding, obnoxoius Industrial goodness. KMFDM, Rammstein, Spahn Ranch, Birmingham 6 and all the other rivethead goodness. Metal is also good good good. Then probably into more technish stuff like psytrance, DnB, dub step, jungle, GOA, trance (harder and dirtier the better), etc. From there is widens out considerably. Rock, classic rock, oldies, new wave (If you tell anybody that I'll just deny it! Then I'll come find you!), classical, etc.
Music Video Codes By Music Jesus.com
I like movies. Movies movies movies. Scary movies, fucked up movies, weird movies, funny movies, sad movies, even occasionally happy movies. I especially like well done, low budget movies without alot of corporate support. Like indie films. And foreign films. Except for the foreign films that are about gay cowboys eating pudding. Those are weak. Now to a short, not all inclusive list... Donnie Darko, Memento, Hedwig, Dr. Strangeglove, Secretary, The Hunger, Not Another Teen Movie, Logan's Run and a whole butload of other sci fi movies, bllasdfjlkjdfjdfng,,g.g..gaadsf..... I'm tired of listing stuff.
Video Games
I play video games. But I don't make a huge deal out of it. I like RPG's, FPS's, action/adventure and fighting games. The FF series, Soulcalibur, Bully, Halo, etc. Blah blah blah.

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