Sorry shout box ain't working well tonight.Got both photos wrong...haha. Carpet was a good guess...but Thanks for playing. You are the only one so far who's tried to guess!
Written with a pen Sealed with a KissIf you're my friend, Please answer this:Are we friends or are we not?You told me once, but I forgot.So tell me now and tell me true,So I can say, I'm here for you.Of all the friends I've ever met,You're the ones I won't forget.And if I die before you do,I'll go to Heaven And wait for you.Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, including the one who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, den you'll know you have a circle of friends. Kk, Friend Send this to.............0-2 peeps you are a Bad friend. Booo!!!3-5 peeps you are an OK Friend!6-9 peeps you are a Good friend10+peeps you are the bestest friend ever
YOU GET DA SEX BUNNY!!`;;;;;;;;._______________;;;;;;;`;;;;;;;;;;;:_____________, :;;;;;;;;;``:;;;;;;;;;;;`;__________, :;;;;;;;;;;;`_ `:;;;;;;;;;;;`, , _______, :;;;;;;;;;;;`___`:;;;;;;;;;;;;_______, ;;;;;;;;;;;;:____.`:;;;;;;;;;_____;;;;;;;;;;`_______`:;;;;;;_____;;;;;;;:___________`:;;;;., .;;;;;;______.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;____.;;;;;D`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;____`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_____`:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_______`.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;___________.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.____(`*. (`*. .*) .* )Ok This Is The Sex BunnyIf You Recieve This BunnyThat Means Your Fuckin SexyIf You Get This BackThat Means Your Even SexierPass This Bunny On To 10Of Your Friends, If You FailYou Will Be Cursed With