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Male · Joined on May 16, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th
Male · Joined on May 16, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th

To know me is to know my past. The names Josh. I was born and raised in the great state of Florida. I grew up with an older brother and two younger brothers, and a younger sister. The life I've lived was not easy by any means, but somehow I managed to still end up waking up every morning. In '98 My youngest brother died in the hospital due to medical neglect and medicla complications. Soon there after My mother was struck with cancer, but managed to escape it. Two years later she was hit with it again, but this time she barely escaped its grasp. In 2007 my older brother was killed by two wanna be gang bangers, and he left behind a daughter whick i never knew until his passing. I had a great job but with the turn of events that took place in '07 thing sbecame to get complicated for me, and life itself was just a daily task all on its own. With all the big and small things that I've gone through in life bseides those events, life for me seemed to be a living hell. But today I'm still standing here with my life and I'm looking at a brighter future. I recently had to deal with a first true love, and it was hard but lately I've been realizing that life goes on and no matter what I need to go on and live my life to its fulest. I'm just a good ole boy from the south and I love to get rowdy and raise a lil hell every now and again. I'm an avid gun fanatic. I love old cars, Huntin', fishin, gettin the hell out into the woods just to escape reality. I'm at times simple, and other times I'm just a mystery. I've had a rough past but now I'm lookin into the future and lovin every moment that I've been blessed with, because life is full of events.

Male · Joined on May 16, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th
I'm a simple man, I don't care for anyones bullshit. I jsut like to live my life and be peacfull. I'm into a lot of things, Juust get to know me and you'll find out.
I'm a country boy, but rock has always been a part of my life. So I'm pretty diverse in my taste of music.
Video Games
I own a Playstation 3, and I've owned a PSP and an Xbox 360. Video games are a part of my life, They are a great way to relieve stress.

Games I like Include: The SOCOM series. Resident Evil series. I like some Call of Duty (though i think COD Modern Warefare 2 sucks HA!) I like Rainbow Six Vegas one and two. Army of two. Srien: Blood Curse. Ace Combat series. Just Cause 2. Basically I like shooter, horror and action games.

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  • InternalElement I like how everyone doent pay any attention to me becuse i dont have a salute... mine was denied because...well for whatever reason they wouldnt give me.. but whatever im drunk fuck you!!!
    14 years ago · Comment · View all comments (1) »

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