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24 Year Old · Male · From Indianapolis, IN · Joined on November 13, 2006 · Born on May 31st · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
24 Year Old · Male · From Indianapolis, IN · Joined on November 13, 2006 · Born on May 31st · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

My name is Jonathan and I live in Indianapolis. Dispite being a hoosier, I am not a huge fan or racing or basketball. Just the opposite. I can't stand either of them. I am an avid hockey player. The excitment, the physical play, the speed, the energy cannot be beat in ANY sport. A close second would be lacrosse which I play with friends. I also have played rugby and soccer in high school. I am athletic and I enjoy pushing myself as far as I can both mentally and physically. I am attending Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis (IUPUI) for Anthropology. I love history and exploring different cultures. An Anthro degree just kind of fell into my lap. I began taking classes just to play hocky at IUPUI and after 2 years, I was 3 credits shy of a minor. I enjoy reading. Everyday, I read a newspaper, work on a book or magazine while I eat breakfast and lunch. I have four magazine subscriptions (Playboy, Mens Health, Archeology Today, Native Peoples) and I usually read them from cover to cover. I like fiction, horror, biographies, and meta physical studies when I read. At IUPUI, I tried to study philosophy. Descatre, Socrates, Nietzche, I could not get anything from them. The same semester I read two books "The wind is my mother" by Bear Heart and Molly Larkin and "The Lakota Way" by Joseph Marshall III. I gained more from those two books than I did the entire semester of philosophy. I have bought both books at leats a dozen times and have loaned them out to friends and family with no intention of getting them back. They are a great read. I recommend them to anyone. I am a chef, a server, a bouncer, a student, an athelete, an artist, a writer, and a book worm. I am currently trying to write my own comic book, which as the book developed, has spun two other ideas from the main book. I support Riley's Childrens Hospital and the Susan Koman Breast Cancer Walk/Run. My grandmother, whom I lost in 2004, was a 6 year breast cancer survivor. I have my one tatoo on my chest, a breast caner ribbon with teh wings of a Monarch butterfly surrounding it in memory and honor of her. I was with her every day the last 3 months she was alive and I don't regret a single day I was there. She was the matriarch, she was the sun that rose, and I try everyday to live my life to make her proud. My only regret was that I never gave her any grandchildren. I know I have just rambled on here, but if I left anything out, if you have any other questions, please b-mail me and I will be more than happy to respond.

This is the greatest guitar player who ever lived. He could take someone elses song and completly make it his own. Rest in Peace Stevie Ray Vaughn

24 Year Old · Male · From Indianapolis, IN · Joined on November 13, 2006 · Born on May 31st · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Ten Favorite Movies: in no particular order
1. 300
2. Tombstone
3. Life as a House
4. Permanent Record
5. Gladiator
6. Slap Shot
7. Mystery, Alaska
8. Boondock Saints
9. The Musketeer
10. Echo of Murder

Ten Favorite TV Shows: well... you know
1. CSI (Miami, Vegas, New York)
2. Mythbusters
3. Bugs Bunny
4. Robot Chicken
5. Hockey Night in Canada
6. Cities of the Underground
7. Family Guy
8. Two and a half men
9. Realy anything on the History Channel
10. Or anything on the Discovery Channel

Ten Favorite Artists: do I even need to say it?
1. My Father
2. Mark Texiera
3. Mark Silverstri
4. Jim Lee
5. Alex Ross
6. Mike Grell
7. John Romata (Sr. and Jr.)
8. Cary Nord
9. Charles Rattary
10. Michale Turner
11. DaVinci

Ten Favorite Books
1. The Historian
2. Anything by Stephen King
3. The Lakota Way
4. The wind is my mother
5. The Mayan Prophesies
6. Imagining Atlantis
7. The Code: fighting and retaliation in the National Hockey League
8. The lance and the shield: the life and times of Sitting Bull
9. The Art of War
10. Bulfinches Mythology

Ten Things I notice on a woman: these are in order
1. Eyes
2. Lips
3. Hair
4. Personality
5. Sense of humor
6. Convesation
7. Compassion
8. Hips
9. Butt
10. Breasts (why lie, but if 1 thru 7 are not there, then why move on to 8, 9 and 10. Chances are, I wouldn't be able to see them anyway-lol)


Ten Favorite Bands/Artists: in no particular order
1. Edwin McCain
2. Disturbed
3. Godsmack
4. 3 Doors Down
5. 3 Days Grace
6. Staind
7. Harry Connick Jr.
8. Stevie Ray Vaughn
9. Blessed Union of Soul
10. Eric Clapton

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  • Jonathan There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love
    7 years ago · Comment

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