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38 Year Old · Joined on May 13, 2010 · Born on January 1st
38 Year Old · Joined on May 13, 2010 · Born on January 1st

I am the end of the world.When the time is right you will know my fucking name.Lie in the gutter and pray to the god of I don't give a fuck.This isn't an anthem, this is a lullaby. So go to sleep and wish that you'd never wake up.They all deserved to die.I pushed the button, I watched the sky rain death.Consider this global abortion.I now know what your future holds.I am all knowing and almighty.You will honor and revere.True survival is pouring salt in the wound.I hold your pathetic lives in my hands.If you won't die for me, you will die because of me.I pulled the trigger on the entire human race.This is as big as murder-suicide gets.I am the end of the world. My dick now lies in your rotting mouth.Nothing to do now but watch the world die.

38 Year Old · Joined on May 13, 2010 · Born on January 1st
I don't sing fucking love songs because there's nothing in this world for me to love. I want the world to have my rape baby so when it's born I can strangle it to death. This is not a healthy relationship. When the bomb drops you will spend the last few minutes of your life shitting your pants. Remember how i always told you "I hold your life in my hands"? You stare and pray as you watch them fall. I will make complete fools of you all. I stopped telling her I loved her a long time ago. If you know what's good for you, you won't tell anyone. This is domestic abuse like you've never seen. This is a Lifetime movie on a global scale. "Just tell them you fell down the stairs" So now it's come to this. Take control! It is my job as a human being to let my ignorance take control. It is my job as a human being to run this bitch in the ground. Your mother earth is a dirty slut. When the bombs drop...
The Acacia Strain, Between the Buried and Me, Animals as Leaders, Dillinger Escape Plan, Misery Signals, Abigail Williams, Alexisonfire, August Burns Red, Bad Religion, Boysetsfire, Cockpunch!, Coheed and Cambria, Common, Cult of Luna, A Day to Remember, Emery, Every Time I Die, Fear Before the March of Flames, Himsa, A Life Once Lost, Integrity, Kid Cudi, Kid Gorgeous, Lupe Fiasco, Chip the Rippa, B.O.B., Poison the Well, Remembering Never, Zao, Silversun Pickups
Video Games
Bioshock 1/2, Assassin's Creed 1/2, MW2, Madden, Oblivion, Fallout, NFS

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