Come Rock Out in Jukebox Riders Lounge We just Celebrated Our 1 year Anniversary Partyin' Riders Style and Rockin' the HOTTEST Lounge in Fubar With LIVEDJ's taking requests and playing the bestRock, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, and even Country! Now HIRING all Staff, if your lookingfor a lounge to call home, come in and talk to us;DJ's please ask for Sasy or Lone Gunslinger Let Us Show you how we...DO IT RIDERS STYLE!!!! JBR...often imitated but NEVER duplicated. The ORIGINAL home of the Straight Jacket! Copy and paste to Join us.. http//
Hello and welcome to fu!!!Come rock outand join me at SinSations lounge!!Where sinners can be sinners and everyone is treated like family! STAFF~~
im not a member but i can be reached or that is if you can follow drunk lol. albedlyon is At / / ya / ho//o dat cOm so now if you want to drink with me bring your bush lol with you i drink busch beer in quv. gold without traning wheels thats no lemon or salt. so get in touch im a lot of fun if you can keep up. but you will be under the table before long keep drinkong