Among the whole pantheon of the most famous Internet-personalities in Russia and former Soviet republics it is hardly possible to find a more mysterious and controversial figure than Amatue (aka Elon Drialit, Naxema, Felomena) . She began conquering the web space more than 6 years ago and soon acquired a great popularity because of her extraordinary blogs and excellent appearance. At this date she may be called the most popular girl in Russian-speaking Internet. And so, as it usually happens in such cases, there soon appeared a great deal of rumors and gossips about the personage. The opinion of public about the girl has a wide range of variants, from adoration to overmastering envy. But who can really say what kind of person is she? Since is the official website of Elon Drialit, here you’ll find all the true information received directly from Amatue.
Elon Drialit was born in August 23, 1986 in the town of Tiraspol’. Her parents are Siberian by birth, but there were some Poles, Germans and even Spanish among her ancestors. Siberia is the region with really rough climate, and because of it her family decided to move to Moldavia after the fall of Soviet Union. Later the family returned to Russia and settled down in Moscow. She was growing up in sympathetic surroundings and getting a lot of attention and care. Her parents tried to give all their best to the children; Elon, her brother and her stepsister: they continued to live together even after divorce to provide the children everything that is necessary for physical and mental development. Amatue love her parents very much, and their relations were always real good. Since childhood Elon shows a wide range of creative abilities: from her early youth upwards she loved to sing and write poems (she thinks that the writing talent was inherited from her father – he always carry a note pad and regular compose something new). Then she entered the music school and later began to write songs of her own. Amatue also likes reading, especially esoteric literature: her mother used to practice hath yoga and had a large library of esoteric works, some of which were later given to Elon. It was her mother who introduced Elon the creations of Carlos Castaneda – his works became the initial point of her spiritual quest.
Amatue was a very broadminded child – she went to speleological and astronomic coteries and sections of tourism and shooting. In her school-times she realized her urge to creative professions, so after graduating school she entered Architectural institute. Love and relationship have a great importance to Elon Drialit. She believes that one can find true love only once in a lifetime, and the story of her and her husband relations is the good example of this thesis. The fathers of Elon and Dmitry were at the same school. Elon met Dmitry several times in childhood, but soon Dmitry’s parents had to move to another city, so he became out of Elon’s eyeshot for a long time. They met again when she was 15 and he was 24, and that was the love at first sight. So the date June 2, 2001 is still the most exciting day of Amatue’s life. She thinks that there are no words in any language that can describe the severity of their feelings.
"I would never think that such a great love can exist if I hadn’t felt it myself. I cannot describe how much I love him. Words are too poor to help me express the depth of my feelings. Only he can realize it by looking into my eyes. I also think that true love, as I percept it, is the unique feeling that appears just once in the whole life. The complete surrender to the one you love. In fact, we are unified whole spiritually for already a long time. I can look at him forever, contemplating his celestial nature. He is the only man I’m ready to be with till the end of time. I’ ll never be tired of him – it is simply impossible. Because we are one."
Many of Elon Drialit’s fans percept her as the body icon. Elon herself admit the great meaning of appearance in her life: one of her priorities is the model career ( was created, among other things, to promote her as a model). However, she believes that without the inner harmony it is impossible to reach the true beauty. She consider herself as the person who completely matches her own requirements for the women’s beauty. But she clearly understands that true perfection has no limits.
Amatue loves spicy food and prefers Chili and Tabasco sauces. She dislikes food without species and found it tasteless. She likes Japanese, Mexican, Italian and Russian cuisine. On the contrary, she hates sweet and floury food, and it helps her a lot to keep fit. Amatue also likes travelling, especially in Mexico and Tibet. Elon’s preferences in literature are pretty wide, here are just a few names from the list: V. Pelevin, F. Donner, T. Abellar, M. Tunnesend, V. Zealand, L. Rampa. Favorite movies: “Dolls” by Takeshi Kitano, “Apocalypto” by Mel Gibson and “Dracula”. Favorite music: Russian rock music, 60-70s rock, new-age, ambient (Ametistium, Deep Forest). Favorite colors: black, blue, violet, dark blue, silver. The main merits, according to Elon, are kindness, sincerity, ability to realize your own mistakes. She respects people who live in constant quest for self-actualization and new knowledge.
"The greatest thing for me is the spiritual development. There is nothing more important than reach the very core and learn the psychology of Infinity. All the other things I consider as the illusion that distract you from the Truth."
The main demerits, as she says, are the anger, envy, meanness and hypocrisy. She hates officiousness, disability to percept an opinion different from one’s own. She calls the main advantage of herself her aspiration for Absolute, and the main disadvantages are laziness and selfishness.
Now Elon Drialit has a lot of work to do, for she got a great deal of plans and goals: the opening of the esoteric shop of her own, the developing her career of a model, the publishing of the collection of her poems and her autobiography, and maybe taking part in some ambient or new-age project as a singer.