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33 Year Old · Female · From Rock Hill, SC · Invited by: dogs tsila · Joined on April 14, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 1st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
33 Year Old · Female · From Rock Hill, SC · Invited by: dogs tsila · Joined on April 14, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 1st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hello, to whoever is reading this!

My name is KRISTIN, not "sexy, baby, etc, etc..". So I would appreciate it if you could please just stick with Kristin.

I have a boyfriend, so even if you do decide you wanna flirt with me, don't expect the same back.

I don't LIVE on here, like some people do. So sorry if I don't reply back sometimes.

No I don't wanna see you're NSFW folder, and no I don't have any that I'd like to share either.

Don't ask for my yahoo, msn, etc...if I wanted you to have it, I'd give it too you.

I get so many messages that I can't keep up with them all, so comments are the best way to go.

If you need to know anything else just ask, (: Thanks!!




33 Year Old · Female · From Rock Hill, SC · Invited by: dogs tsila · Joined on April 14, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 1st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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  • 9 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Kristin

    9 years ago · Reply
  • CoopKristin
    damn your sexy

    13 years ago · Reply
  • 13 years ago · Reply
  • ChRiStiOnKristin
    aww come back to this weird site! lol

    13 years ago · Reply
  • 13 years ago · Reply
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  • DisposableKristin
    Daily Poem:If you could would you save a strangers life?Yet you do not offer them even one kind word,when it might be enough to lessen their strifeand the sweetest thing they have daily heard?Enough to lift their failing spirits and hopeto give them strength to carry on another dayand use your words to with troubles then copeuntil they can at last find some better way.Give freely of your kindness, you never knowwhen it may be enough to save a shattered lifehelp another through a time of turmoil and woeor give a person hope as they deal with strife.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Ps placeKristin
    here to say hello

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    Daily Poem:I am but a flicker hidden among the many star abovenot one to be noticed let alone one to give your loveI am but an admirer who does so from so very far awaywho dares to hope and dream of being with you somedayI am not one that you notice as among the stars you runbut if you were to get closer I would become your Sunand give you warmth unending and gladly light your wayloving and protecting for as long as you would stay.but I am just a flicker in the expanse of all you seeand know that it is unlikely that you will notice me.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    Daily Poem:Take time to write her a love song, perhaps a sonnetor maybe just a receipt with words of love upon itlet her know how you feel and that you truly carehow wonderful it is that you always find her theretake time and energy to show what is in your heartand you will find that from her, you shall never part.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    Daily PoemMy life is an open book but one nobody wants to readfor I am not a noble knight upon a great white steedA mere mortal man who has faced so many difficult taskand even in this aged form of mine, no quarter do I askI have fought many battles, some I won and some I lostalways being mindful of my honor and what each one costI have the scars of those conflicts inside well as outbut faired better than my enemies,there is little doubtI have saved lives by the taking of the lives of othersprotecting the way of life for our fathers and mothersThrough it all my honor I was able to keep and maintainand now as time quickly draws near for my last refrainand I shall fade from history and nobody will even careI wonder if anyone will recall that I was ever there?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    Look not at the damage done, but smell the pristine airconcentrate more on the fact that you the storm did spareYou may have to do some cleaning up and even some repairbut who would have to do it if you were not still there?It is easy to get depressed by the work that lies aheadand let the troubles of life completely fill your headuntil it consumes your every thought with fear and dreadand make it so there is no rest even your time for bed.It is true that in this life you will suffer great painjust as in the weather there is bound to be some rainbut rain allows the beauty to grow and without refrainit is a simple fact of nature that I need not explainSo accept the rain as it does come, but it is not allfor there will be times of sunshine as you do recallbetween the two the both plants and man will grow tallif not stuck in the shadows that their growth will stall.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    I have no aspiration nor have I ill intentall my hopes for love long ago were spentSadly realization had to eventually winand to deny it would be an unforgiving sinI come here only to wish you the very bestas a precious love you pursue in your questSo worry not about my words trying to woothey are merely my experience given to youas my Promethean anguish I may often tellI wish to keep you cautious and wish you well.Misery loves company they say has been shownbut I would rather have to suffer this alone.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    You say that you want a badboy, but one that you can trustyou like the strong silent type, but communication is a mustone that knows your every want and is more than happy to giveto fulfill your whims, desires, and every wish as long as you livebut even if he did so of him in time to you he would become a borebecause as is human nature you would find yourself wanting more.What we have here is just one of those old sayings that needs correction for being imperfect ourselves what makes us think we deserve perfection?Someone who accepts us and will love us just the way that we truly areis more precious than perfection and is so much more of a treasure by far.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableKristin
    Come with me, dear, on a lovely rideas we make our way to the riversidein the coolness of the evening breezeover the pastures and to the trees.Let us picket the horses, a fire startone on the ground, one in our heart.spread a blanket upon the cool groundin this lovely spot that I have found.we'll open the wine that I have broughtand feast upon catfish we have caughtlisten to music on the portable radiobut keep it playing ever soft and lowand gaze into the flickering of the fireas plans of the future we two conspireperhaps give in to loves great desireand let that flame become raging pyre.

    14 years ago · Reply
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