It is a short poem that I have written for today, but I hope that you like it.I would spend the day with you if I only had one to livemy last precious moments to you I would so gladly give.Each and every day I think the same when I do wakeand cherish them all in case my life that day does take.Our time apart is the price that surviving demands of me,I want you to know that I do it all gladly to be with thee.I shall die and even my bones shall turn to dust it is truebut always there will be part of me, it is my love for you.
I wrote this poem about a lovely lady who rightfully shields herself from letting people get too close to keep from getting hurt, but walls can keep out the good as well as the bad.The windows into the soul some say are the eyesin yours I see a lady that is both hurting and wise.A reflection of the world and what in it is so good,a tapestry not of how life goes, but how it should.Deep and placid waters that flow smoothly on topwondering of what lies below seems to never stop.That everyone knows that you are beautiful is true,but I also know there is so very much more to you.I know of your kindness and your compassion too,you have dedication and the brains to get through,all this is easy to know from the talks we have had,during each I have seen good and not a bit of bad.But I also know there is more that I want to knowI am willing to wait until you are ready though.
The shadows of loneliness block out the rays of hopechilling the aching heart and sets it on a slippery slope.A spiraling decent into the anguish of a pure hellish lifethat will leave no room for anything but pain and strife.One must suffer through and continue on for others,for the children and to relieve the worries of mothers.It takes it out of a person to carry on each long daywhen pressures of being alone on them does weigh.A loving heart broken by a heart that was not there,it was cast aside without any concern or any care.If just one person would forget looks and rise above,they could relieve the suffering with just a little love.
I wrote this one after talking with a guy who was trying to get up enough courage to propose.The silence can be more than deafening it seemswaiting for a response from the one of your dreams.Often nothing says more than saying nothing at allwhen your world stands on the abyss about to fall.Your imagination runs wild and horrors in your mindsearch as hard as you may no comfort can you find,feeling in your heart the worst is definitely on it's way,waiting there unable to breathe for what you have to say.The question has been asked and the proposal madeoptions and responses are considered and weighedbut surely if like you say, your love for me was truewould so much thought still then be required of you?
An upbeat poem I wrote to wish you all a Happy Humpday.Look upon the lovely day the sun is shining brightthe sky is blue and clear, will stay like that tonight.Hear the birds as they sing and make it brighterit gives you a smile and makes the mood lighter.Feel the warm sun on your skin it is Spring at lastwinter dragged on so long, Summers coming fast.Time to get out again and enjoy the good life again,with no more storms of snow, now they're all rain.Break out the swim wear and get yourself a tanenjoy the warmth and play some ball is the plan.Get with all of our friends and enjoy time togethermake the most of ever day we get good weather.So place your hand in mine, my dearest lovelet us lay by a fire and count the stars above,as on the warm sandy beach we walk will alonghaving you there will fill my heart with a song.
I wrote this after seeing one of those after-battle scenes in a movie. To me the crows represent the fanatics and profiteers. Hear the murder of crows as they caw sitting in the treesThey circle far up overhead and dine whenever they pleaseGathering by the hundreds they come for an easy mealand send out a chorus that truly sounds evil and unreal.They send out an eerie echo to deliver the beckoning call"Come and join in the feast there's plenty for one and all."You can hear them even over the sad cries of men pain,muffled by their thirst as they pray for some relief and rain.The sound marks the air and echoes around in my headas I lay unable to move and left here among the dead.They tend now to those that can continue with the fightand may get to the rest of us if we can survive the night.Crows do not care about politics and things like borders,not one of them commands the rest barking out orders.Not caring rather the losers or the victors you might benor about the reason for the war between you and me.They just swoop down upon both the dying and deadand start their feast by pecking the eyes from our head.What noble cause did we fight for and give our lifeno more will we suffer now with all the pain and strifelaying here as our dying will surely soon be throughWe fought for what we believe, to our word was trueand the lowly crow who cares for none will still liveno loyalty to grand ideas or honor will they ever give.
It is a sad one for this day, written after having talked to a wonderful lady who has lost her husband. This for Marie and I named it"A soldier's wife's Lament"I found my"Happily Everafter". I found my dream come true.I found out what eternal love means the day I found you.Thought that I had loved before so it took me by surpriseand saw the sun come up each day there in your eyes.The birds all sang much merrier and the world was right,you gave me the stars and moon each and every night.You filled my heart with happiness with the love you giveand woke me from existence and taught me how to live.How can there be a Happily Everafter when people dieand the other one is left here alone to carry on and cry.
I wrote this poem after talking to a lady who had been played, I call it"Sympathy for the Player"I once had myself the most wondrous fantasyno it was not real but it seemed so real to meI dared to dream that you were in love with mebut now what a fool I am is plain for all to see I gave you all I had, it was not enough thoughyou used me for a while and then let me golooking back now I can easily see it was so but living in that fantasy, how was I to know?I know that I will find the right lady for meand loving each other, how blessed we will beBut you will spend you life always on the gonever finding the one that you could love soA pity that you will never know the gift of loveor realize that it can be a gift from up aboveThat in the end all you have you surely will losebut it is the kind of life that you did choose
Your poem of the day. I wanted to write something a little upbeat to start the weekend with.I was mesmerized the first time that I saw youwords failed me then I will admit that it is truebut you were sweet and made me more at easeand I found we fit together pretty as will pleaseAs time passed the feeling grew ever strongeruntil I found that I could not deny it anymoreI had to overcome my fears and say it to youthose three little life changing words"I love you"We have had more time and still love growsmy loving feeling for you constantly showsI will not promise you that there will be strifefor it will always be a part of everyone's lifeI can promise that as you face the unknownthat you will never have to face it all alone.
The poem of the day:What is this sorrow that besets me, what is it's source?Is there some way to rid, some way to stray it's course?How did it come to grip my heart and for what reason,is it a momentary thing or shall it outlast the season?Is it that we not together, in fact we are so far apart?Could that be the cause for sorrow here in my heart?When you are here with me my heart fills with glee,is this now the price I pay for giving my love to thee?Then let it weigh heavy as it will upon my weary mind;for me, happily willing to pay the price it will surely find.For it is truly a very small price that I shall have to payto know that in the end with you I shall always stay.
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