46 Year Old
From Puyallup, WA·
Joined on April 6, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 18th
I don't think anyone reading this really needs me to tell them about me, They've already made up their own damn mind! Really I swear, I'm not a bitch, I just have a really low bullshit tolerance so if I am bitchy I am sorry, I was not taught to say fuck you politely. If you want to get into a mans mind, just handle every situation like a dog... if you can't hump it or eat it, piss on it and walk away! The only thing I regret about high school is that I never got to do half the things I heard I did. I have decided that I should always choose my words wisely when I am around my friends or everthing I say will get turned into something perverted. It is a proven fact that beer does not make you fat, it makes you lean... against bars, chairs, tables and walls. did you know that SOBER stands for son of a bitch everythings real. I have learned that it really takes skills to trip on flat surfaces and some mistakes are too much fun to make only once. I have also learned to never do anything that you don't want to explain to the paramedics. You know one of that hardest things in life to learn and accept is when you love sombody that means you want the best for them weather it includes you or not however, you can close your eyes to things you do not want to see but you cannot close your heart to things you do not want to feel, so learning to do both is one thing you may never learn. Did you know that anger is only one letter short of danger. I have learned the hard way that if someone betrays you once it is their fault but if they betray you twice it is your fault. It is a true fact that great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people! If someone tells you to learn from the mistakes of others, listen to them because you simply cannot make all the mistakes yourself. I have learned that when it is a beautiful day there will always be an asshole to fuck it up. some see the glass as half empty, some see it half full, I just see it as who the fuck is drinking my beer so sometimes you gotta just say what the fuck....let me tell you alittle about things I've learned in my life.I've learned alot about who I thought I was, who I want to be, and who I'll never be. I've learned you can't make someone love you who doesn't love you and you can't change that. I've learned if we cannot face doing all that we are capable of, we immerse ourselves in distraction. I've learned that sometimes it's not considered "giving up" it's simply understanding it's not worth chasing and trying to fix and realizing that you don't need certain people, their bullshit and the drama they bring. I've learned that depression is merely an excuse for anger without enthusiasm and YOU have complete control, know what makes you happy and let go of what doesn't because it's not the problems or issues IN your life that brings you down..it's how you handle them and what you do to change it. I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed. I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just natural jackasses. I've learned that you should never sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things. I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I ENJOY IT!! I've learned that we are held responsible for our actions, unless you have money. I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. I've learned that 99% of the time when something is broken in your house, one of your children is responsible for it. I've learned that the people you care about the most are taken from you way to soon and all the less important ones just never go away and the real pain in the ASSES are permanent. Ive learned that if you failed all your life your always going to fail unless you choose to change what makes you fail, if you succeed all your life you are always going to succeed yet you will fail if you choose to change what makes you suceed. I've learned that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and it's better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you're not. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it takes only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others-they are more screwed up than you think and you may end up just as screwed up as they are. I've learned that age is a very high price to pay for maturity. I've learned that you cannot make someone love you, all you can do is love them enough to let them go. I've learned that you can love ANYONE.. even those not meant to love you, and trying to mold yourself to someone else's standards is a waste of your time. I've learned that you can't help people who don't want help. I've learned that its not LIFE that is pre-made its the paths IN life that are, and it's YOUR choice on how to lay the concrete. I've learned to never regret, at the time of mistake it was exactly how you wanted it. I've learned that true love doesn't come in sex, beer, and drugs or outer beauty. I've learned with every beginning there is an end. I've learned that a true friend will be there no matter what. I've also learned that you can not go back and change the past, you can only look forward and hope the future is brighter...life isn't the way its suppose to be, personal judgement and choices makes it the way it is.
46 Year Old
From Puyallup, WA·
Joined on April 6, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 18th
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