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37 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 5, 2010 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on December 24th · 1 person has a crush on me!
37 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 5, 2010 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on December 24th · 1 person has a crush on me!
37 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 5, 2010 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on December 24th · 1 person has a crush on me!

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  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Of all the things I have,I have only time that I can offer you.I once asked a wise man"How do you know love is true?,That they really mean it when those words they choose to say?"He thought for a bit and cringed his face in a peculiar way,He pondered on the question and the lies which could be told,trying to figure out how to know which lady you should hold.Finally he let out a sigh that sounded of such deep despairand revealed to me the answer, right then and right there."Time, sadly, is the only way that you can ever know for sureif the lady that you love will return one that is true and pure."I have already given my love and I know that it will be true,so it seems that truly now, time is all I have to offer you.I know that however long or short my time on this earth here,that I will love you so very true and always want you near.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    The poem of the day. It is a romantic one and I hope that your partner will always remember to feel this way for you.I wish that I could write a poem as beautiful as theeand somehow get it out there for the whole world to see.Like you a classic beauty which makes every heart sigh,the way mine does each and every time you are nearby.One that's so memorable that everyone would indeed findthat once they have seen, it is etched forever on their mind.So wonderful that the mere thought would make them smileand they would drift to fantasy like me, for just a little while.A picture is worth a thousand words, but it couldn't showeven a few of the wonders of you that I have come to know,your beauty is but a small part of the treasure that is youand the best is hidden in your mind and that heart so true.I could write passages that left people wanting ever moreand never paint the picture of the you, that I do so adore.I could write a never ending love song as if it's from aboveand still not be able to say all there is to you that I do so love.There are not words that can do justice, nor could there be,like trying to describe a rainbow to one who can not seeI can only carry this feeling and hope that you will knowthat those mesmerizing words that I can not find are so.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    She bound me with chains from which I would never freeand they controlled every action and where I was to be.I took comfort in their presence and wore them with pridethe limits the chains set was a thing I never tried to hide.Though others could not ever see the chains they were realbut everybody knew it though by the way they made me feel.They were the only chains that a man like me could holdnot of hardened steel, but more precious to me than gold.Each link forged with love from kindness and love shownover the years how quickly in length the chains have grownThese chains of love bind me to her as they do her to methey are a treasured burden that we always bear so happilyIf temptation should try to pull one away the chains preventkeeping us from ever having to beg forgive and to repent.I wear these chains and escape is never even a thought,for it is my truest heart's desire to remain forever caught.If the chains can not control our actions, this we do know,no other force can bind them, so we must let them go.I wear these chains of Love she forges and add links tooso we will stay bound together our whole lives through.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Here is where I make my stand and here is where I die,when life has left my body, do not waste the time to cry.I set myself on the warrior's path knowing where it leadsReminded of this bodies mortality by the way it bleeds.I offer all that I have so that you can sleep and can livein the peaceful life that I fight so hard each to freely give.As a warrior none will more than me pray for there is peaceand know my life can buy it but maybe it can make a leaseuntil another warrior can come and take my place hereand he too will tell you not to waste the time to shed a tear.Semper Fidelis, such solemn words and indeed so very truebut they and dieing are the very least we can do for you;for you are our families, our lovers, and our dearest friendand every warrior, every true Marine, will love you to the end.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    See the gorgeous sunrise turn the sky from black to redas it struggles against the night to climb up over our head.It has such an effect as it hits the dew upon the grass,sending radiant shimmers out as if hitting broken glass.The songs of spring birds everywhere seem to fill my ear,relieving any worries about the day, removing all the fear.How can a day that starts so wonderful, be any but good?A lovely hint that the day will go the way I wish it would.Giving my heart reason to sing and causing a big smile,I will remember this morning as I trudge on every mile.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Use as little energy as possible, says natures rule,to get what you want or need; less you are a fool.One who waste energy doing anything will surely dieand their genetics will perish without a wimper or cry.That's part of why people stop trying as hard once matedor revert to traits they know the other has always hated.Feeling that once they are theirs it will somehow take less,that is how so many relationships end up in such a mess.It's natural that men will tend act in this same way as well,it is not some great guarded secret that to you I do now tell.If women don't insist on being treated like they so deserveand settle for one that will mistreat or is some kind of pervmen will learn that they get what they want without trying,women will find they are mated with their dreams dying.So make your man show attention and always treat you right,even if he resist or tries to put up some lame sort of fight;but always remember in this life that you are going throughthat like you a truly good man is indeed a true treasure too.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Run along and play the game, it is where your at,I will watch as you do your thing, I am not into that.They are so much fun for you and you love it soattention makes you feel good, I can see you glow.You seem to need the reinforcement that they giveand think it adds some meaning to this life you live.Perception is indeed reality for those who truly believeand the truth would not bring their mind ever relieve.Go and play and believe the shallow things they say,even though they will get what they want and go away,and when you get your heart broke enough at lastand when you can put your games well into the past,I will be here to give you a shoulder upon which to cry.Remaining here with you until you, at last say goodbye,I know that you will do this as have so many beforebut love or a relationship is not what I am here for.I am too old, ugly, and poor to waste time on such I am only here to help the ones that hurt so much.When you feel better you too will simply go awayand forget the pain and me and all about that day.I only hope that each of you will have learned welland not repeat the things that left you in such a hell.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Good morning and wishes for a great weekend for you, here is the poem of the day.I have a need for confirmation only you can fillfor you are the one thing in life that is truly real.I have a desire to feel every part of you so near,so will you come and sate this desire, my dear ?I am truly not looking to have sex or nasty to be,if we end making love that would be great with me,but what I need is the wonderful feel of your headlaying on my chest as we lay here in our own bed.The feel of your soft hand as it runs over my chest,reminding of all in this life that is indeed the best,as I draw the strength I need to go on from your touch,for you are my motivation for doing so very much.You give me hope and reason, fill my heart with love,so much more than inspiration, an angel from above,without you I would be lost and alone, my dear wife.So lay with me and make me whole, for you are my life.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Be still my heart, remember, she must mortal beor there is no way she would ever be here with me.Slow down a bit to a pace where you can get rest,it feels like you are trying to come out of my chest.You handle every situation by being dull and drollyet at the thought of her and you race out of control.Why let her beauty cause you to stop in mid beatand pause until you almost knock me off my feet,then cause you to race as she draws ever near,and make my stomach turn as if from a great fear?How is that just her touch and can set you to a fireand fill you with such longing and insatiable desire?When I hear her voice even if it is only on the phone,you hurt with anticipation and even more when alone.Are you trying to tell me you have fallen in love at last,that she is so very special, like none known in the past?If I admit that I love and that she truly has me hexed,will you then tell me what it is that I should do next?For I only want to please her in each and every way,find a way to make sure that with me she will stay.So stop this erratic behavior and tell me, oh so true,lest she slip away and that break you right in two.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    I have a short poem I have written for this day, I do hope that all my friends enjoy it and that it finds you and yours healthy and happy.I am not a famous or exciting man of any sortno big star of the silver screen or of any sportI am not the lead singer in a band of great famemost people have never even heard of my nameUpon the moon I am destined to never even stepthere will be no signs showing every place I sleptthere is nothing like that to get interest from youI am no more than the man who loves you so true.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Some people seem to need to feel superior to others and will categorize them with a name. I have been called a hick because I live in the country, have horses, and so on. After thinking about it, I wear the name with pride regardless how the other person meant it. Hicks, like almost all groups, people choose to segregate, are some amazing people.If you hunt for me, you will find I am listed among the HicksThe poor common folk that choose to live back in the sticks.The kind of folk who have a job but also have to do choresthat build bonfires and teach the kids how to make Smores.Among those that if you do need any help are glad to giveand by the Golden Rule most still their lives do try to live.We are dirt poor by the standards most will use to judgebut from this great way of life one of us will rarely budge.You might think us ignorant, having taken no college courses,but we have the knowledge of things like survival and horses.We may not have all that city people have, who are on the run,but we appreciate what we have and know how to have fun.We feel at home when we out among the lakes and treeswith the nature that provides and we care for, we are at ease.It is a harder life, I will admit that this much is so very trueand may not be the choice that is best for some like youBut I will stay in the sticks until my life is finally throughcity life is not a thing that for long I would ever want to do.When I look up let me only see the vast sky and tall treesand let me feel the grass below and the cool summer breeze.Watch the strutting of turkeys and meandering of the deerand all the things that nature gives for us to hold so dear.When time says my final breath has been drawn and spentI will know that like nature, this country life was heaven sent.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    I grew up watching Roy Rodgers always win the dayand was told that things in life would go the same way,that if you were a good man and always stayed true,in the end good things would always come to you.I believed it all because I was still just a foolish child,they often believe in lies regardless how big and wild.As I lived my life I tried to always mind that thoughtand for truth and honor always I have gladly fought.I was even stupid enough to fall in love that one timethinking that it would make life special and sublime.Fate and life have combined to teach me so well,being good is only good for keeping you out of hell,here in life, unpunished will never go a good deed;people are after all they can get, not what they need.I guess I am still a child deep in my heart from thenfor I keep believing that some day the good will win.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Just a short poem for today. I hope that you have GREAT DAY.You told me that I look good and I was glad to hearsaid it was good the way you felt when I was nearand the way that we could talk through the nightand that it was good the way we felt so very right.You said I was a good man and my heart beat fastmy good morals and honor meant that it would last.It was good the way that I truly did only want youand good that my heart beat with a love so true.Guess it was not good enough for you did leave meand ran off with a pretty boy, acting wild and free.Know that when he has had his fun and is throughthat you have destroyed my heart and trust in you.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    I fielded a few questions about symbiosis from my introduction yesterday.The example most used is the termite, it has a bacteria in it's stomach that digest the wood it is eats; providing nutrients for the termite. Without the bacteria, the termite would die, without the termite the bacteria would; they work together and evenly give, both flourish.It has been my observation that relationships are either symbiotic or parasitic( where one feeds off of the other, not giving enough in return); as in nature, parasites harm the host, often killing it.I have given you my heart as you have yours to me,now forever joined in life and love we are bound to be.It is up to me to make the love that fuels that heartgrow stronger still with each and every passing hour while for you it is a cherished and well needed partfor me it the constant source of inspiration and power.Knowing it is your heart will guide every action I take,and remind me that I get all my strength from you.It will be the reason for every decision that I will makeand I do truly hope that mine will be the same too.Joined in this symbiotic way we will surely forever be,gaining strength from you as you draw yours from me.For any love that is not symbiotic and in true harmonywill not survive the long run as parasitic is must beIf one draws love and inspiration from the others heartbut does return the same, the love will soon go sour.Like a parasite feeding off the other, with no giving partthe other continues to weaken with each passing hour.As it is in nature, so with matters of the heart it will be,so let's live this life being the others peace and harmony.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    Here is the poem I wrote for today while talking to somebody that said they have never"used" another person.We all use others, but do not have to do it in a bad way, symbiosis is the goal.When I tell you that I will love you eternallyCan't you tell I do not want you to belong to me,but rather need you to be the most important partof my very being, I have given you my heart.How could I ever live without you here in my lifefor you are my true motivation in times of strife.There are very many ways that you I will use,for guidance, inspiration, and as my beautiful muse;to help me become a better person through the daysand making my life happier in so many ways.I can only hope that I can do the same for youand together we can make all life's dreams come true.So take my hand now and let us join our lives as oneand keep a vow to be that way until life is done.Then as we pass from this life into eternitywe will then face it as one forever, you and me.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musedontbecreepy
    A sad poem for today, I wrote it after spending a couple of hours talking to a guy who planned suicide because of the emotional abuse his wife was delving out to him.I walked out into the dark, well before the dawn,a thick and heavy frost lay upon the green lawn.Hands snug in my pockets I pulled the jacket tightand wiggled up against a tree until it felt just right,A chill ran through me as I sat on the cold ground,distracting my thoughts as I began to look around.I could smell the smoke from the woodstove fireand make out it's billows as heat carries it higher,I can hear the first rustlings of life in this new day.A robin awoke overhead and quickly flew awayas the first bright rays of the warm sun did appear,soon to melt that chilling frost that covered all here.I have made the coffee and left on, as I always doand there are fresh made biscuit waiting for you.What a good day this will be for you without meyou can get the life that you described, you see.As I watch the wondrous show put on by the sunI find the strength to pull the trigger on the gun.

    14 years ago · Reply
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