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42 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 3812219 · Joined on April 2, 2010 · Born on September 30th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
42 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 3812219 · Joined on April 2, 2010 · Born on September 30th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
42 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 3812219 · Joined on April 2, 2010 · Born on September 30th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    Do you chance the agony of rejection or scornin hopes of the ecstasy from acceptance born?Will you risk the heartbreak of love gone bad,to find a love so true, like few have ever had?You are caught within their mesmerizing glance,do you bet it all on love and take the chance?Will the fear of making such a huge mistakepersuade you to keep loneliness and it's ache?There is less pain in being alone it is true,but is that the thing that really want to do?The ache of loneliness is constantly there,the sadness that leads the heart to despair;at least in trying to love there is the chanceyou will have a forever of love and romance.In the end the choice is up to none but you,the time is here, so what do you decide to do?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    Raspberries are coming on and with fruit will blessfor jams, jellies, and in the picking a small mess.Such sweet flavor they always bring for us to tasteanticipating their arrival such time we do haste.All to soon the berries are gone for another yearbut we have the jars of deliciousness, so no fear.We will look forward again to the their next arrivala matter of pleasure now, no longer for survival.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    I am it seems, so much less than any lady does desire,is it that I am truly that bad or are expectations higher?I am an ordinary working man and never have been rich,but I would never abuse a lady or call her a slut or bitch.I will confess that I am no looker like that guy Brad Pittnor would I two time a lady like he did, I will gladly admit.I am beyond my physical prime, some would say I'm old,but never would I turn her away and leave her in the cold.I have learned patience, acceptance, and am a little wise,a good sense of humor and see life through others eyes.Even after all these years and the abuse I've been throughI still believe in a love that can be everlasting and so true.I have never seen a perfect lady, nor am I the perfect guy,but we will never be a perfect couple if you do not even try.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    With the popularity of writing your own vows, I thought I would give it a try, here are the results:With this ring, I do lovingly, take you to be my wife,to love, to cherish, and to honor for all of my life.It is in finding you, that I realize I am only one part,you are indeed, the rest of me, my soul, my heart.I'm the man I wish to be when you are by my sideand will hold always dear in my heart as my bride.So with these words, eternal love I pledge to you,and know that for all time, these words will be true.OH, Well. It was just an attempt, no reason to write them, just an exercise in writing.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    I wish I could go back to what I use to not know,have the trust in love I had so many years ago,but heartache is my prison and I am safe within,never more to make such a drastic mistake again.I may indeed be able to change it, only time will tell,but I seriously doubt it, she taught the lesson well.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    I wrote this one after talking to a lovely lady who has chosen to never love again due to a betrayal. She now admittedly uses others and moves on. I think it bothers her or she would not have spent so long talking to me about it. Your beauty always providescomforts and some companyto see you through the nightUntil the loneliness subsidesyou chant your satanophanypraying to at last get it right.The irony that what you trustis things that are so frailand of absolutely no valuebeauty fades and metal rustso that in the end they failand it will come down on you.Can you not see a pure heart,a mind full of compassionand devotion as treasure?The love of one never to partcan fill your life with passionand bring joy beyond measure.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    I came upon her body down on the chilling shoreher innocence, her hopes, from her had been toreAlone, in desperation she had walked into the sea;her lifeless body washed ashore and found by me.Such an angelic look as the waves washed her still,remnants of a life lost, beat beyond survivals will.What a shame that she did not fall instead for meone who could see her worth and love her happily.Kneeling,I kiss her cheek as I push her hair aside,adding a tear to the ocean, I too walk into the tide.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    A summer day spent riding in the pines tallalong well worn paths traveled by few at all.The sun breaks through the canopy above,over the creaking saddle, the cry of the dove.I give the mare her head, she knows wellthis path and that at the end awaits a baleand two scoops of molasses sweet feedso to rein her through them there's no need.This is such a wonderful experience and wayto pass this sultry Summer's long, hot day,the only thing to make it better would be if you were here to keep me company.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    It is funny the number of responses from yesterday's poem, men thanking me for putting into words what they wished to tell their wife and women saying they wished their husbands felt like that.In a few cases, I heard both views from partners in the same relationship. Some men feel deeply, but are often not adapt at showing it in ways that women understand as affection. Here is today's poem:Secrets hidden in shame and locked deep awayshall burst forth to see truth prevail some day.For the only place a secrets hides is in the heartand as time goes on it will surely tear it all apart.Each day locked away, it will gnaw to be freeuntil it is at last exposed for what it is to be.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    Deep within you is a treasure of untold worthmore precious than all the gold upon this earthfor there beats a heart that is kind and so trueI love it so dearly, but it is a small part of you.With it there a mind to which I can truly relatewith a thirst for knowledge that never does satewith empathy and compassion it is always filledall wrapped in a body that so completely thrilledone that mesmerizes me still unto this very dayand brings me such pleasures when we do play.Indeed still you are the one who gives me lifeand I am always thankful that you are my wife.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    There among my Lillies, a single Iris grows,how ever it got there nobody really knows.People say I should remove it from the rest,that in the long run it would be for the best.But the Iris is a constant reminder of youamong ladies, the one I found that's true.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    Upon a bumpy gravel road, my feet did lingerand as I traveled on, I came upon a singerHearing her precious tones fill the still airI decided I had enough time to linger there.She filled my heart with beauty and loveand seemed to an angel sent from up above.With songs of love and the way it should besongs of inspiration and even hope for mesuch words of passion fell upon my grateful earmaking me wish to tarry longer and to stay nearSuch a wondrous vision of true beauty was sheone that in this life again, I shall not see.I arose resolute and began to slowly walk awayknowing that I would love her still this dayfor I dare not risk the perfection I had seenfor a fantasy that maybe, could, might have been.I have been called a fool,"I should have tried."but in reality many a fantasy has surely died.On that day as I struggled to be on my wayI ensured that her perfection with me did stay.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    Deep within my heart there plays a lovely songone so cheerful that I find myself singing alongit is ever evolving and plays the day througha song about the treasure I have found in you.The melody is as soft as your touch on my skinthat loving touch that fans desires deep within.The pitch is as perfect as your melodic voicegiving me an involuntary smile, I have no choice.Words flow like water from a never-ending wellof your grace, beauty, and intelligence do tell.This song has become my constant companion it seemsevery time I am not with the lady of my dreams,for when I can not be with you, as I so want to beI carry your sweet memory in this song with me.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    A very short and sweet one for today. The weekend is almost here and I hope that it is a great one for you.Thunderstorms came, the blackberry blossoms gonethe startings of the berry are beginning to come on.The air is so fresh and smells of cleanness of Springcarrying the hope for all that Summer might bring.So here I am wishing that all my dreams come truethat you will Fall for me like I have fallen for you.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    Another on the duality of loving someone who has hurt you.All I had, I gladly gave to you, seems it was not enoughwhen you needed me strong, I showed that I was toughin need of sympathy, I gave a shoulder of compassionmy all emotions I did not hide or even try to ration.You used me up and now carelessly just throw me awaykicking me to the curb like I was some starving stray.Perhaps someday justice will be done, but I doubt itand if it ever is I will not be around to hear about itfor I will go on with life without a harsh word said,but to find peace of mind, the one I loved is dead.I could never hate that girl, the one I gave my namethough I know I will forever despise the one she became.The evil beast that you are now came from deep insidethat precious angel I loved lost the fight and diedbut she will live forever here within my aching heartand her and I forever, will never have to be apart.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    When you truly love someone, even though they have hurt you, you still have concern for them. I wrote this after a conversation with a lady going through those emotions now.With a word, several really, you destroyed my hopeand sent my heart in pieces careening down a slopefalling toward the dark abyss from which I had come,now wishing to kill all emotion, to make myself numb.I guess that hope and love can indeed make one blindcan obscure reality and let fantasy take over the mind,but every grand fantasy by reality is bound to crumbleleaving a lover, shaken to the roots, beaten, and humble.So you shatter my world and move on with yet anotherI lay here with my face in a pillow, my tears to smother. Still I wish you strength and luck, for that awful daywhen one you love will treat you in this uncaring way.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Marshmie
    3:47pmreplyMarshmie: Meant to rate you a 1 (lol i got autos u dumb bitch)

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    A sad one for today, a forgotten veteran's lament. Let us remember each day, that a new law passed takes a freedom away from somebody and it is a freedom that the veterans fought so we could have it. The title is"Lucky?"People call me a lucky one, because I did survive,they tell me wonderful it must be to still be aliveand that God has saved me for some other deed;it all shows their fear of death, vanity, and greed.Am I blessed to have the memory of such a war,haunted by dreams of brothers' deaths and more?To live to see people give rights for which we foughtto see restrictions placed on speech and thought?Lucky to be cast aside when they were through,to be left to die alone, no further use to all of you?To have broken my mind and body over therejust to find out it was for people who do not care?I went off as a warrior to fight for things I believebut in reality was just a puppet they did deceive.Would it not have been better to in battle fall?I would be at least a name on that black wall.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseMarshmie
    I wrote this yesterday and posted it on a picture that a dear lady had posted of a hummingbird, thought I would share it with you today.Tiny, frail, and beautiful, you light upon my finger,I stare in awe and wonderment as for a while you linger,drinking in each moment for I know you can not stay long;to the world you seem weak, but to me you are so strong.I am much bigger with strength to use as this life I faceyet you face it all with just your beauty and your grace.What a strong and courageous thing for one so small to do,know my little hummingbird, that I am deeply in awe of you.

    14 years ago · Reply
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