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39 Year Old · Invited by: 1706846 · Joined on March 27, 2010 · Born on March 21st
39 Year Old · Invited by: 1706846 · Joined on March 27, 2010 · Born on March 21st
39 Year Old · Invited by: 1706846 · Joined on March 27, 2010 · Born on March 21st

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  • DisposableAriel
    The poem of the day:What is this sorrow that besets me, what is it's source?Is there some way to rid, some way to stray it's course?How did it come to grip my heart and for what reason,is it a momentary thing or shall it outlast the season?Is it that we not together, in fact we are so far apart?Could that be the cause for sorrow here in my heart?When you are here with me my heart fills with glee,is this now the price I pay for giving my love to thee?Then let it weigh heavy as it will upon my weary mind;for me, happily willing to pay the price it will surely find.For it is truly a very small price that I shall have to payto know that in the end with you I shall always stay.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    This is from personal experience, but I am sure that it applies to many soldiers around the world.I wrote this poem remembering Nam and thinking about Iraq.Mourn not for me this task that I set myself to doIt is just an expression of the love I have for youI take my self into battle and know that I may diewhen I am gone I heartedly beg you do not cryIt is I who volunteered to give my life as a Marineso that you could live your life as you have beenI will die with honor, the same way that I did liveBut it is not for honor that my one life I shall giveIt is a duty of the heart for those that I love soyou my fellow countrymen are why I freely go.So do not shed a tear for me when I am deadbut pay due respect to those left in my stead.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    Here is your poem of the day, dear lady.Upon some subjects I have been known to wonder,but there is one that I so often find that I do ponder.I wonder when and why disposable we all became,to many now just a number without your name?We are now Human Resources instead of Personneland there are other things that the story does tell.People now call all the others they know a friend,but know that they will not be there until the end.Wierd terms like"Starter Marriage" now do existadmitting before that their love will never persist.Whatever happen to having a love for all your lifeand understanding forever as husband and wife?It makes sense there are so many broken-heartedknowing nobody will miss you when you're departed,for if disposable is the way that others you do seesurely the condemning term must also apply to thee!

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    Here is the poem of the day day dear lady. I wrote it after talking to a lady who did not understand that her true lies within.To some you are not the fairest to ever walk this landI know to some your looks seem a bit dull or blandfor some prefer models like in all those magazinesothers some famous actress playing out her scenesWell they are more than welcome to have their fantasybut none of them could compare to my joyous reality of having a lovely angel like you here to share my lifereality becomes fantasy when you become my wife.So let the dreamers dream and have their fantasyand I will live mine out as long as you are with meand when time here has passed for you and me,we will then still have each other for all of eternity.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    The poem of the day, dear lady.I often just sit and wonder"what do you see in me?"how could even a friendship with such an angel be?What is it that you seem to sense that others do feel?It overwhelms to the point that i wonder if you're real.Will I awaken in the morning to find myself all alone,crying my heart out over where and why you've gone?Or has fate finally smile on me for being a good manand sent to me an angel that will love and understan'?I guess the future will show what happens and how,I am going to relish life and love in the here and now.All say that you are an angel standing here with mebut when I look in the mirror I wonder what you see.Happy Easter!

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    I wrote this poem last night after talking to a guy on here that met a woman online that played him.I hopped upon the internet and not true love to ever seekmore out of curiosity, just wanting to have a quick peekI have met some people there from all over this grand earthand a few have become close friends, for what it's worthI have counseled people from far away and others nearall most need is someone that will not judge to lend an earjust a trusted shoulder to cry on when life gets too tougha sympathetic soul that'll listen when they have had enoughI never thought about thing like if their profile was realbecause their pain and emotions were, that I could feelThen one day quite unexpectedly I happened upon youand now I find myself wondering all the time"What is true?""What do you want in life and what are you trying to do?""Is that exquisite picture that mesmerizes me really you?""Have I been seduced from afar by your grace and charm?""Why am I thinking these things and will you do me harm?""Is there any chance that you wonder these things too?"rather the answer is yes or no, what is it that I should do?What about you that has somehow worked it's way inside should I now run away or is it already too late to try to hide?I can sense the hurt and pain that you have been through,but is all the rest of what your profile shows really you?If it is not, can I believe anything that you have to say?and mostly"What am I to do if you do not feel this way?"

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    You tell me that you love me, but how do I know for sure,is there any way known that can show your love is pure?Is it a matter of faith that I must just assume to be truemust I go through life hoping that I am still loved by you?I always do my best to show you how much I truly careit is my every thought to make you happy and be therein hopes that you will never have a doubt about my love.I always want you to think of me as a gift from up above.I see all the things that you do for me and do appreciate,I worry so much that I will miss a sign until it is too late.We all have heard of the man who has sex just beforethen he leaves his house to go out and find some whore.There are women that will kiss their husband and thenthey will head off to have sex with some strange men.So I am left to wonder if there is a sure way to ever know that your partner will be faithful and still loves you so?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    Now I taste the bitter salty tears of loneliness once againspending days suffering alone and nights of unending pain,drowning in the regrets that I myself am truly guilty of,allowing this battered heart to once again hope for love.The days are filled with with longing ripping at my heartand nights with intolerable anguish while we are apart.How could I ever dare to play Russian Roulette with love,to put all of my trust in the mighty powers from up above.It seems that I must now pay for my ignorance and pridewith an eternity of constant torment coming from inside,destroying bit by bit my confidence in my every thought and leaving an abyss in me instead of the love I sought

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    What is it my noble heart that makes you now hesitateYou have been acting more and more strange as of lateAfter having taken me through childhood and the warwhy do you choose to fail me as you never have beforeHow is it that you falter after what you've been through?Why do you let a lady like her have such an effect on you?Why is it that when nothing ever gave you a real scare,she can manage to do it with tenderness and gentle care?You know that it only the pain of when love is untruenot really this beautiful lady that truly does scare you.Steady up and make yourself ignore the chance of painfor if she is all she seems there is happiness to gain.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • DisposableAriel
    This morning I watched the sun rise with every amber hueand now it sets in shades of magenta with day all throughIt was there in the sky all day to warm us right to our heartwith the gentlest of breezes as the wind tried to do it's partThe birds of Spring sang their songs so cheerful and freeNew grass and Easter lilies pushing up for all of us to seereminding us that Winter is done and promising pleasurewith some time to relax a bit, enjoy a little time of leisureIt was almost a perfect day that nature sent for us to shareyet I find it so very difficult to enjoy and harder to even care I realize the exquisiteness of this day that nature has shownbut joy and comfort are not easy to find when you are alone.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Ariel
    thanks for the add

    14 years ago · Reply
  • XxBDRxXogah4LifexXAriel

    14 years ago · Reply
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