Welcome to fubari know you have alot of questionsstop wondering where the best lounge is, cause i will give you the answer all you have to do is copy and paste the link belowhttp://fubar.com/lounge/unklelimpyshumppalacewe have live DJ that will play any request you have, wonderfulcam people, wonderful staff,and of coarse unkle limpy himself
Well, Hey There!Nice to see your face, all up in the place!You are about to enter theBESTOnline FunctionIn The WorldTake your shoes off and enjoy.And again, WELCOME TO THE PARTY!!AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE, THE FUN CAN BEGIN!! To know a little about me, check my profile page!!So, if you're serious about life *in general*,message me your email or yahoo and I'll hit you upcause I know another side!Your Friendly NeighborhoodRedByrd